Thank you UCI School of Medicine research community for your continued diligence, passion and focus on health and safety during this unprecedented time. Below is information regarding our COVID-19 response efforts. Please review the information provided and be aware that specific guidance will change as the situation requires.
Please see the UCI Office of Research UCI Research Phases During the Pandemic for a complete description of all research phases.
We are currently in Phase 4 – as of 6/21/2021 – Please find a description of Phase 4 here.
Please note: the original description of Phase 4 indicates a modifying of face covering requirements. As of the August 2, 2021, face coverings are required universally when indoors on the Irvine campus, except when alone in an enclosed area. Face coverings are required universally both indoors and outdoors at all UCI Medical Center locations.
Please see the announcement from the UCI Office of Research regarding the transition to Phase 4 Research. Please refer to the full description of Phase 4, which can be found here. If you have questions about how this affects your research, contact Emily Dawidoff at
Phase 4 Research: Summary of Changes from Phase 3
- Permits all research activities
- Permits all types of invited visitors and guests to participate in or conduct research activities. (Visitors and guests must comply with all UCI and individual laboratory safety protocols.)
- Modifies safety mitigation requirement by eliminating the physical distancing requirement. Face covering requirements are in effect per the August 2, 2021 directive.
- Permits plan owners to retain more restrictive safety protocols and protective measures than those required by UCI Executive Directives, public health directives and the Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Prevention Emergency Temporary Standards (CETS).
On July 15, 2021, The UC Office of the President issued its final policy regarding required COVID-19 vaccinations. This policy requires all UCI students, staff, and faculty to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before physically accessing the university’s locations and programs. Compliance is required no later than two weeks before faculty, staff and students are expected to be on campus for the fall 2021 term.
Upload your proof of vaccination.
Employees upload here.
Students upload here.
In Case of Exposure (Report a COVID case
For Faculty/Staff
In case of exposure or illness, do not go to work, and contact your supervisor and COEH (Center for Occupational & Environmental Health) for medical advice 949-824-8685,
Go to this location for the steps for reporting illness or exposure UCI Human Resources | UCI Human Resources | Report Known Cases of Coronavirus
For Students
Students/Student Workers are required to submit illness or exposure through the Student Health Center (949-824-5304) or this link.
Daily Symptom Screening
All lab personnel, volunteers, visitors, and vendors must continue to screen daily for symptoms of illness prior to entering all UCI locations.
UCI faculty and staff respond to the daily UCI Working Well symptom check email that comes to your inbox from UCI Support.
On each day that laboratory personnel work in person, they must forward to their lab manager or safety officer the email received indicating approval to work on site.
New lab members must be added to receive the UCI Working Well symptom check email. Provide the following information for adding a new member to Emily Dawidoff at
- Name and UCI NetID
- Lab name and location of onsite work
Students, both graduate and undergraduate, respond to the Living Well symptom check email that comes to your inbox from the UCI Division of Student Affairs. On each day of in-person work, they must forward to their lab manager or safety officer the email received indicating that they are free of symptoms.
Mask Mandate
UCI has re-implemented a universal masking policy effective August 2, 2021. All individuals on the UCI campus will be required to wear a mask or face covering while indoors, regardless of vaccination status, except when alone in an enclosed space. This directive applies to both employees and visitors. The update is in line with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the California Department of Public Health's recent recommendations on masking and face coverings. Please refer to the revised Chancellor's executive directive on face coverings for details.
Masking is required in all areas of UCI Health premises (which includes the UCI Medical Center and other clinical sites), both indoors and outdoors, except for when eating. This includes non-patient care areas and all breakrooms, workrooms, and conference rooms, regardless of vaccination status. View details.
In addition to completing all required online laboratory safety trainings (see your PI or lab manager for details), all people working on site must complete the return to on-site work training which can be found by logging in to the UCI Learning Center.
Report a Lab Safety or Compliance Concern | Your Report Can Be Made Anonymously
There are 3 ways to file a report regarding lab safety or compliance. Choose one:
- Contact Environmental Health & Safety here. At the end of the report, you can opt to omit your name and contact information so that your report is made anonymously.
- Call the EH&S front desk at 949-824-6200 and make a report. This report can be made without revealing your identity.
- Email
UCI Office of Research: Research Continuity: Research Ramp-up:
UCI Forward: Coronavirus Information Hub:
UCI Environmental Health & Safety: EH&S COVID-19:
UCI Human Resources: UCI Human Resources | UCI Human Resources | Report Known Cases of Coronavirus
For a COVID-19 question, contact the UCI COVID-19 Response Center at 949-824-9918 or
Executive Directives and Policies
Geoffrey W. Abbott, PhD
Vice Dean, Basic Science Research
Daniela A. Bota, MD, PhD
Vice Dean, Clinical Research
Emily Dawidoff
Project Policy Analyst