Incentive Program for New Multi-Component NIH Grant (P Or U) Submissions
This program recognizes the additional effort required by the School of Medicine Principal Investigator (PI) to lead these large grant efforts.
- To be eligible for these funds, fill out the Multi-Component Grant Incentive form prior to submission
School of Medicine-Biological Sciences (SOM-BIO) Incentive Program
The School of Medicine and the School of Biological Sciences Deans’ Offices enthusiastically support collaborative grant submissions between the two schools. Specifically, multi-PI (MPI) research grants with one MPI from UCI School of Medicine and the other MPI from UCI School of Biological Sciences at the NIH R01 level or similar (not R03 or R21) are eligible.
- To be eligible for these funds, fill out the SOM-BIO Incentive Program form prior to submission.
School of Medicine-Samueli School of Engineering (SOM-SSoE) Incentive Program
The School of Medicine and the Samueli School of Engineering support collaborative grant submissions between the two schools. Specifically, multi-PI (MPI) research grants with one MPI from UCI School of Medicine and the other MPI from Samueli School of Engineering at the NIH R01 level or similar (not R03 or R21) are eligible.
- To be eligible for these funds, fill out the SOM- SSoE Incentive Program form prior to submission.
Clinical Faculty Research Incentive Program
In acknowledgement of the research contributions made by clinical faculty, the School of Medicine has created two incentive programs tailored to clinical faculty:
Training and Research Education Grant Incentive Program
To recognize the contributions of faculty training and research education grant directors, we have established the following incentive program for first-time submissions of new or competing renewal applications.
- To be eligible for these funds, fill out the Training/Research Education Incentive form prior to submission.
The School of Medicine's Research Development Unit (RDU) administers several intramural seed funding opportunities throughout the year. Some of these competitions include:
- School of Medicine Faculty Research Grant: The School's Research Committee supports the Faculty Research Grant competition. It is the policy of the Committee to support seed research projects that have a high probability of obtaining extramural funding as a result of this award. This competition has been held on an annual basis.
- Mapel Research Innovation Grants: This award is aimed at promoting the early exploration of high-risk research ideas focused on emerging areas of basic and applied biomedical science. This competition has been held on an annual basis.
- Bridge Funds: The School of Medicine supports competitive applications for the Bridge Funding Program offered by the UCI Office of Research. If you are a PI who has experienced a significant reduction from extramural sources, you may qualify for this award. eligibility requirements can also be found on the UCI Office of Research website. Applications are accepted on a quarterly basis and can be submitted here.