1. Identify a Funding Opportunity
UCI has a license for Pivot, a funding search tool. The Office of Research has a compilation of other funding search tools. You can also request a targeted funding opportunity search or a quick consultation on Pivot from the RDU. Visit the Funding Opportunities page.
If you are specifically looking for Foundation opportunities, you can contact the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations. The Foundations group can help you find funding opportunities from corporations and foundations, interpret funding guidelines, and much more.
2. Prepare Proposal
Write the proposal, collaborate with team members, and compile required materials, including boilerplates, templates, and checklists as well as letters of support. The RDU can help draft letters of support from leadership and route for signatures.
- Obtain pre-submission reviews from subject matter experts and grant reviewers. The RDU can facilitate these reviews. Alternatively, you can also request pre-submission reviews from the RDU.
- The RDU can also review biosketches.
- For larger proposal mechanisms, the RDU can provide project management services.
- Review the facilities and services available to researchers.
- Obtain assistance from other groups on campus, as applicable.
- Institute for Clinical & Translational Science (ICTS): The ICTS provides resources that accelerate the translation of research discoveries from the lab and translate them into clinical care.
- Alpha Stem Cell Center (ASCC): The ASCC provides a centralized infrastructure from which to enhance stem cell clinical research and activities at UCI. For more information, contact them.
- Libraries: The Libraries can assist with data management and sharing plans. You can schedule an appointment with Wasila Dahdul, PhD, Data Curation Librarian.
3. Submit Proposal
- Depending on your situation, you would work with one of the following teams to compile your budget and officially submit the proposal to the sponsor.
- SOM Research Support Services (RSS): The SOM RSS team provides pre-award and post-submission administrative support for certain SOM departments/units. If you would like to submit a proposal, excluding sponsor-initiated non-oncology clinical trials, email the RSS team. Please allow 4-6 weeks’ notice.
- Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center (CFCCC): The CFCCC, specifically The Stern Center for Cancer Clinical Trials and Research, provides support for all cancer-related clinical trials. Contract the Stern Center.
- Center for Clinical Research (CCR): The CCR provides administrative support for non-oncology industry-sponsored and investigator-initiated clinical trials. Contact the clinical trial start-up team.
4. Need to Resubmit?
Most proposals are resubmitted before being successfully funded. You can obtain resubmission reviews from subject matter experts and grant reviewers. Complete the intake form to receive this support from RDU.
- School of Medicine New Faculty Orientation slide deck
- These informative slides provide an overview of different groups, their responsibilities, and the services that they provide.
- Email the Research Development Unit for the current slide deck.
- From UCI Office of Research
- Investigator Initiated Trials (IIT) Toolkit from UC Biomedical Research Acceleration, Integration & Development (BRAID)
- From UCI Libraries
Statistical Consulting
If you are conducting cancer-related research, contact the Biostatistics Share Resource (BSR) within the Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center.
For all other research, contact either unit below:
- Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design (BERD) at Hewitt Hall
- The UCI Center for Statistical Consulting (CSC) at Donald Bren Hall
We recommend that you submit your request to BERD. Your request will be routed to the most appropriate team. The first hour of consulting at BERD or the CSC is free. Dr. Joni Ricks-Oddie is the director for both units and maintains communication and continuity between these facilities.
Other Statistical Consulting resources
- The UCI Center for Statistical Consulting Workshops
- Creating a Data Analysis Plan: What to Consider When Choosing Statistics for a Study by Scot H. Simpson (2015)
- From UCLA’s Advanced Research Computing: Choosing the Correct Statistical Test in SAS, Stata, SPSS and R
You will be assisted by the RSS, CCR or CFCCC. Read “Other UCI Groups to Know” above to determine the correct unit.
No. You need to coordinate with your assigned analyst, whether it be in your department, RSS, CCR, or CFCCC. Only Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA) and Beall Applied Innovation have the institutional authority to submit proposals to sponsors.
The Biosketch is a standardized format, most commonly used by NIH and other agencies. Refer to the NIH website for the template and examples. We can review and provide suggestions. Contact us at somrd@hs.uci.edu
UCI has many units that provide statistical support. Review the different units and resources (See Statistical Consulting section above).