When a donor passes away, please call us within 48 hours at 949-824-6061
(available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
Willed Body Program
UCI School of Medicine
252 Irvine Hall
Irvine, CA 92697-3950
Phone: 949-824-6061
Fax: 949-824-2114
Program Email: willedbody@hs.uci.edu
Howard Mark Brooks
Program Director
Juana Contreras Rivera
Donation Consultant
Amanda R. Wilson
Anatomical Preparation Specialist
The UCI Willed Body Program is a central campus repository for the preparation and allocation of human anatomical specimens for a wide range of educational, research, and clinical pursuits, including:
- Gross anatomy instruction
- Neurological, anatomical, and scientific research
- Surgical procedural training
- Allied health education
- Development and testing of new medical devices
For researchers or educators in need of anatomical specimens or tissues, please contact the UCI Willed Body Program Director for information on procurement possibilities and resources at 949-824-6061 or willedbody@hs.uci.edu.
All educational/research specimen requests require submission of an Anatomical Material Request Application (AMRA), which can be obtained by contacting the Program, as well as final approval by the Anatomical Materials Review Committee (AMRC).