Academic Affairs Message from the Senior Associate Dean Meet the Team Chair Resources International Physicians Health Science Compensation Plan OATS Resources and FAQ FAQs, Resources & Training Calendars & Deadlines Faculty Development About Us Monthly on Mondays Definitions of Series Merit & Promotions Faculty Research Mentoring Professional Development Wellness Teaching & Assessment Workshop Series Faculty Academics Administrative Appointments Non-Faculty Academics The School of Medicine Academic Senate Faculty Development Here you will find resources for faculty regarding merit and promotion process, research, mentoring opportunities, professional development and wellness resources, and much more. Home About Faculty Development What is Faculty Development? Faculty development is a process by which medical school faculty, including preceptors teaching in the clinical setting, work systematically to improve their skills in the following areas: (1) educational skills, (2) leadership skills, (3) skills necessary to engage in scholarly activities, (4) personal development, and (5) skills in designing and implementing a professional development plan. Faculty development activities are successful when individuals' goals in these five areas are being met and when simultaneously the goals of the organization are being met. Download our Faculty Handbook for a summary of the resources available to help you Discover, Teach, and Heal. Where to Start? We encourage you to review the Definitions page, as during your time at UCI, there will be common terms related to faculty series, the file review and promotion process, and the Academic Review Committees. About Us Definition of Series Merit & Promotions Research Resources Mentoring Professional Development Wellness Teaching & Assessment Monthly on Mondays Nimisha K. Parekh, MD, and Brian J. Cummings, PhD, associate deans of faculty development are launching another year of Faculty Development seminars to provide School of Medicine faculty at all ranks and steps additional opportunities for their development. Hosted by the Office of Academic Affairs, sessions will be held monthly on Mondays for one hour via Zoom. There will be significant time devoted to Q&A or breakout discussions between attendees and hosts. Faculty Development Series Diversity and Equity Learn more about diversity and equity initiatives in the School of Medicine. Visit our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Website