Academic Affairs Message from the Senior Associate Dean Meet the Team Chair Resources International Physicians Health Science Compensation Plan OATS Resources and FAQ FAQs, Resources & Training Calendars & Deadlines Faculty Development About Us Monthly on Mondays Definitions of Series Merit & Promotions Faculty Research Mentoring Professional Development Wellness Teaching & Assessment Workshop Series Faculty Academics Administrative Appointments Non-Faculty Academics The School of Medicine Academic Senate Faculty Research Resources The UCI School of Medicine is here to support Non-Senate Faculty in all stages of research to fulfill the “Discover, Teach, Heal” Mission. Home About Faculty Development Faculty Research UCI Center for Clinical Research (CCR) The UCI Center for Clinical Research is a premier clinical research organization providing life-saving clinical trials by strengthening and accelerating the pathway of discovery from bench to bedside. Aligned with a top academic medical center, we are uniquely positioned to deliver world class clinical care and innovative trials from a large number of pharmaceutical and device companies nationwide. Learn more Institute for Clinical and Translational Science The UC Irvine Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (ICTS) is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) under the Clinical and Translational Sciences Award (CTSA) program. UCI ICTS functions as a local centerpiece for the national program, and is dedicated to advancing scientific discovery and medical breakthroughs. Collectively, their goal is simple: to accelerate these discoveries from the lab and translate them into life-altering medical care. Learn more Research Insider Every Tuesday, the School of Medicine Office of Research sends an announcement email with upcoming opportunities for research, seminars, and funding. Read previous editions of the newsletter Attend a UCI NIH Grant Boot Camp NIH Boot Camp is an ~10 month mentoring program internal to UCI to help you with submission of your first research grant. Applications are accepted in the Fall for cohorts that start in January. Learn More Faculty Success Program The Faculty Success Program is a 12-week online program designed to teach tenure-track and tenured faculty the skills to increase research and writing productivity while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Learn more UCI-SOM Physician Scientist Training Program A 2-year structured pilot program providing physician scientists with intensive mentorship and opportunities to apply for their first independent, federally funded awards (K08, K23) or other equivalent external career development awards. This program is supported by the Provost’s and Executive Vice Chancellor’s Research Growth Fund initiative, and is administered by the SOM Research Development Unit (RDU) with oversight by the SOM Associate Dean of Research Development and the Vice Deans of Clinical and Basic Research. Interested parties should contact the Associate Dean for Research or Dr Daniela Bota. Pilot Program for NIH Resubmission Applications The SOM Office of Research invites faculty to submit applications for a new pilot program, the NIH Resubmission Program (NIHRP). Designed in part in response to a recent report from NIH on funded resubmission applications, and loosely patterned after the highly successful UCI NIH Boot Camp, this opportunity provides in-depth and organized support for proposal writing and revisions, pre-review and other resources within a small team structure to facilitate the preparation of competitive –A1 or restructured –A0 applications. Contact Geoff Abbott or Daniela Bota, and see submit your online application.