Academic Affairs Message from the Senior Associate Dean Meet the Team Chair Resources International Physicians Health Science Compensation Plan OATS Resources and FAQ FAQs, Resources & Training Calendars & Deadlines Faculty Development About Us Monthly on Mondays Definitions of Series Merit & Promotions Faculty Research Mentoring Professional Development Wellness Teaching & Assessment Workshop Series Faculty Academics Administrative Appointments Non-Faculty Academics The School of Medicine Academic Senate Mentoring in the School of Medicine The UCI School of Medicine offers resources for both mentors and mentees, building relationships for junior faculty to make the most of their beginning years in their career. Home About Mentoring Mentoring Meetups HS Clinical Faculty Dr. Parekh meets with new Assistant and Associate Professors to welcome you to UC Irvine, answer questions about getting started at UC Irvine, and inform you about resources available to you. The goals of this program include: Build professional network at UC Irvine Opportunity to engage with other Non-Senate HS Faculty outside of the home department. Have an opportunity to discuss issues without fear of retaliation Learn about resources available at UC Irvine for Professional Development Understand how to prepare for Merit File Review and review role of Tracking Sheet Creation of teaching portfolio Foster an environment of inclusiveness Coaching on wellness and burnout prevention This program will allow new HS faculty to meet new colleagues, and have the opportunity to ask questions and create a community for new faculty. Participation is voluntary but highly encouraged. This program will consist of a series of Zoom meetings and Microsoft Teams Channels. The Zoom meetings will consist of topics related to professional development and career advancement for Non-Senate HS Faculty. A Microsoft teams channel is available for new junior faculty. Please contact TJ Kennedy ( if you have not been added. The channel will be used to post pertinent articles and information as it relates to professional development. In addition, there will be a secure chat/discussion line to answer questions without any fear of retaliation. Slack Channel for Junior Senate Faculty Dr. Cummings hosts a slack channel for junior faculty where we discuss issues as they come up in real time, and stay connected with others in the same boat as you. Join to meet other junior faculty and share ideas, experiences, and support. Join Channel Tools for Mentor Learn how to set expectations for your residents, interns and fellows, how to give feedback, or improve the learning environment. Check out a series of excellent short videos of particular relevance to junior clinicians produced by the University of Alabama. The keys to a successful mentoring relationship include: Mutual respect and understanding Meeting on a regular schedule Establishing clear goals and expectations Measuring outcomes Keeping discussions confidential — with no feedback being given to supervisors or department chairs Faculty Mentoring Awards The Office of Academic Affairs awards four annual awards to recognize excellence and innovation in mentoring at UCI School of Medicine — specifically in the domain of faculty mentoring other faculty (not students). Each awardee receives a cash reward, a plaque and is interviewed, along with their mentee, by an associate dean about their experience, insights and advice on faculty mentoring. The four award categories are: Innovation in Mentoring Award, Equity and Diversity in Mentoring Award, Basic Science Faculty Mentor of the Year and Clinical Faculty Mentor of the Year. Calls for nominations will be sent each spring. Learn more & submit a nomination Committees Dedicated to Mentoring School of Medicine Committee on Mentoring: Policies and Procedures Duties of the committee is to identify Academic Senate junior faculty preparing for their mid-career review, to review the mentee’s independent research program with respect to creative output, extramural funding, and progression towards national recognition, to evaluate the mentee’s teaching activities and academic service, and to make recommendations that would increase the mentee’s success in achieving promotions and tenure. Ladder-rank/In-residence mentoring subcommittee Clinical X mentoring subcommittee Contact Zhara Dabzadeh for more information. Health Sciences Clinical Mentoring Committee (HCMC) Mentoring is good for retention and morale of faculty, for increasing departmental capacity/expertise, and is a priority of the UCI Strategic Plan. The UCI School of Medicine HS Clinical Mentoring Committee (HCMC) is an additional resource for mentoring of Non-Senate HS Faculty at an institutional level to develop the next generation of clinician educators. The HCMC makes recommendations to Non-Senate HS faculty for merit and promotions file review process, coach Non-Senate HS faculty on wellness and resources available, provides introductions to help Non-Senate HS faculty develop professional networks at UCI, and helps build a community of support for Non-Senate HS faculty for career development. For inquiries, contact Associate Dean Nimisha Parekh or TJ Kennedy. ARAC Observership Program Assistant Professors in the in-line series are invited to attend a confidential ARAC meeting to learn how files are reviewed well in advance of their mid-career review and/or tenure review. Observers may not ask questions during the regular meeting, but are encouraged to stay after and ask questions of committee members once all the dossiers have been reviewed. You may attend more than one meeting. It is recommended that you take advantage of this opportunity at the end of your second year or in your third year. Assistant professors should contact Sonha Castelli to learn more about the review process and to request an application/confidentiality document. CXAC Observership Program Assistant Professors in the Clinical X series are invited to attend a confidential CXAC meeting to learn how files are reviewed well in advance of their mid-career review and/or tenure review. Observers may not ask questions during the regular meeting, but are encouraged to stay after and ask questions of committee members once all the dossiers have been reviewed. You may attend more than one meeting. It is recommended that you take advantage of this opportunity at the end of your second year or in your third year. Assistant professors should contact Sonha Castelli to learn more about the review process and to request an application/confidentiality document. Post MCA meeting with Associate Deans of Faculty Development and Academic Affairs (Brian Cummings and Kyoko Yokomori) While the mentoring committees will assist junior faculty members to prepare for MCA, Associate Deans will meet and discuss the outcome of the MCA with the faculty members to support their preparation for promotion.