Academic Affairs Message from the Senior Associate Dean Meet the Team Chair Resources International Physicians Health Science Compensation Plan OATS Resources and FAQ FAQs, Resources & Training Calendars & Deadlines Faculty Development About Us Monthly on Mondays Definitions of Series Merit & Promotions Faculty Research Mentoring Professional Development Wellness Teaching & Assessment Workshop Series Faculty Academics Administrative Appointments Non-Faculty Academics The School of Medicine Academic Senate The School of Medicine Academic Senate Home About The School of Medicine Academic Senate Bylaws The Faculty of the University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine (SOM) hereby sets forth its Bylaws through which it shall discharge its duties and responsibilities concerning the educational and scholarly programs of the School, as specified by the Standing Orders of the Regents of the University of California. Mission Statement The Faculty of the SOM is committed to the rigorous preparation of students for careers in the practice of medicine, medical education, and research. The educational mission of the School is integrated with responsibilities for the conduct of basic and clinical research by the Faculty and for leadership in health care delivery systems in the nation. The School has a central role in the coordination of postgraduate medical training and continuing education and is a repository of medical knowledge and skills. Section I: General Provisions A. Membership of the Academic Senate The Faculty shall consist of all individuals who hold academic appointments in the SOM. The Academic Senate of the SOM (hereinto referred to as the Senate) shall consist of those SOM Faculty members whose appointment makes them eligible, pursuant to the Standing Orders of the Regents, to be members of the University-wide Academic Senate [See Appendix I(B)]. B. Officers The Chair and Vice Chair/Secretary of the Executive Committee, respectively, are Chair and Vice Chair/Secretary of the Faculty. The Chair may appoint a member of the Senate to serve as Parliamentarian, whose duty shall be to advise the Chair on procedures to be followed, in accordance with the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order to the extent practicable, in the conduct of the meetings of the Executive Committee. The Parliamentarian shall advise the Chair and the Executive Committee of the impact of these Bylaws on the conduct of business. C. Meetings A minimum of two annual meetings will be conducted by the SOM Representative Assembly for its elected members. The quorum for an Assembly vote will be greater than 50% of SOM departments represented. The full Faculty will meet at such times as it may determine, or at the call of the Executive Committee. D. Functions In the spirit of University shared governance, the Senate shall consider all actions of the SOM Administration and of the University officials that may affect in principle or in fact the functions of the Faculty in teaching, research, and other issues of general concern. Section II. Executive Committee of the SOM Academic Senate A. General Provisions The Senate members of the SOM shall be represented on the Executive Committee of the SOM Academic Senate. The Executive Committee and the Standing Committees shall collectively participate actively in education program development, reorganization of departments, physical development, and necessary appropriations. B. Membership The Executive Committee shall include the Chair and Vice Chair; the Chairs of the SOM Standing Committees; and two members-at-large. The SOM Dean and the SOM Dean’s Leadership Cabinet shall be ex officio members and attend the meetings of the Executive Committee. C. Meetings The Executive Committee shall convene in regular quarterly meetings, as well as in extraordinary sessions as deemed necessary by the Chair. The Executive Committee shall have the right to go into executive session, limited to voting committee members, and exclude ex-officio members and guests, at the committee's discretion. VotingEx-officio members do not have the right to vote on the Executive Committee. The Chair, Vice Chair, members-at-large, and chairs of the Standing Committees have the right to vote on all Executive Committee matters. A quorum shall be defined as greater than 50% of voting members. All motions that result in action or policy decisions require a majority vote of the Committee quorum. The discussions and actions taken towards the resolution of problems discussed in the Executive Committee shall be duly recorded in the minutes of this Committee. The Executive Committee meeting minutes shall be submitted to the members within one week after each meeting. Upon their approval, the minutes shall be sent to the SOM Dean. D. Functions To act for the Faculty with respect to any subject delegated to it by these Bylaws or by the Faculty, and to advise the SOM Administration. To oversee the rules and regulations of these Bylaws and of its various Committees, and to consider actions of the SOM Administration as set forth in Section I. D. To regularly receive and review the reports of the activities of the SOM Dean. To formulate and implement resolutions of the problems presented by the Standing Committees or by interactions with the SOM Administration. To compile and distribute to the Faculty the results of the discussions and agreements of the Executive Committee and of its interactions with the SOM Administration. To establish new committees as it may seem advisable. To ensure permanent and qualified administrative support (Curricular Assistant) for the Curriculum and Educational Policy (CEP) Committee. The Executive Committee's obligation is to obtain from the SOM Administration adequate administrative and financial support for the CEP to carry out its responsibilities. To obtain from the SOM Dean the appointment of an individual who shall have administrative responsibility for space database maintenance and analysis of the Space Resource Allocation Advisory Committee (SRAAC). That individual shall provide the staffing of the Committee. E. Officers The Officers consist of the Chair and the Vice Chair. Nomination and Election Chair The Chair shall be the last elected Vice Chair, who shall become Chair at the beginning of the academic year following his/her term of office. Vice ChairEach year and prior to the election of a new Vice Chair, the Senate Administrator shall distribute a questionnaire to the Faculty Senate members enabling individuals to express their interest in serving as the Vice Chair. Nominations for the Vice Chair should be made by the SOM Committee on Committees each year before July 1 from the slate of interested faculty. Additional nominations may be made by a majority vote of the SOM Executive Committee or by written petition of ten Senate members. This information will be made available to the SOM Faculty prior to the final composition of the ballot. The ballot shall comprise candidates determined by the process above, and submitted for an electronic vote to all members of the SOM Academic Senate. The results of the vote shall be kept in the office of the Senate Administrator until the following election. Term of OfficeThe term of office of the Chair and Vice Chair is one year. This term may be extended to two years, upon satisfactory performance, as judged by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. No officer may serve more than two consecutive full one-year terms as Chair or Vice Chair of the SOM Academic Senate. Eligibility shall be re-established after a lapse of one year. The outgoing Chair shall continue to serve on the Executive Committee an additional year. Resignation or Vacancy of the Chair or of the Vice Chair: The Vice Chair shall become Chair if the Chair position is vacated, until the vacated term expires. The Vice Chair-elect shall become the Vice Chair if the Vice Chair position is vacated, until the vacated term expires. If there is no Vice Chair-elect when either the Chair or Vice Chair positions become vacated, the Executive Committee shall appoint a Senate member to serve until the next annual election. Recall of Executive Committee officers and members: Recall petitions of any officer of the Executive Committee may be initiated by ten members of the Senate. A majority vote of the total SOM Senate Faculty, by mail ballot, is required to remove the Chair or Vice Chair from office. The rules of succession for a vacated position shall apply to their replacement. Duties of the ChairThe Chair shall serve as chair of the Senate Faculty, the Executive Committee, and the Committee on Committees. The Chair shall administer the rules and regulations prescribed by the SOM Faculty. The Chair shall report to the SOM Academic Senate and/or SOM Representative Assembly on all matters of common concern of the Faculty. The Chair shall be involved in the activities and actions of the SOM Administration, and he/she shall actively participate in SOM strategic planning and leadership committees. The Chair shall coordinate the work of all Standing Committees, and shall refer matters for consultation, advice, or decision to the standing or ad hoc committees. The Chair shall make a consistent effort to bring to a resolution any problems presented by the chairs of the Standing Committees and the SOM Administration. The Faculty delegates to the Chair and his/her appointees unrestricted authority in this regard. In collaboration with the Committee on Committees, the Chair shall in a timely manner appoint members to serve on the Standing and on ad hoc committees as needed. The Chair shall be given the necessary and adequate personnel support by the SOM Dean in order to discharge the duties of the Executive Committee and of its Standing and ad hoc committees. The Chair shall be responsible for the administration and supervision of the assigned committee support staff for its duties and budgetary concerns. Duties of the Vice Chair:The Vice Chair shall prepare and send out the call for and the minutes of each meeting of the Executive Committee in the absence of the Chair. The Vice Chair shall carry out the duties of the Chair in the latter's absence and shall chair meetings of the Executive Committee, as requested by the Chair. In the event that the Chair is absent for an extended period of time, the Vice Chair may request that the Committee on Committees appoint an Acting Vice Chair/Secretary to assist him/her. Senate AdministratorThere will be a Senate Administrator who assists the Chair and Vice Chair in the administration of the Executive Committee and Standing Committees. The Senate Administrator shall conduct elections for and maintain the records of the SOM Representative Assembly membership. The Senate Administrator will schedule Executive Committee and Standing Committee meetings, and ensure that meetings occur as specified in these Bylaws. The Senate Administrator shall be responsible for taking meeting minutes and archiving records in a readily available space allocated for the exclusive use of the Executive Committee. F. Elected and Appointed Members Chairs of the SOM Standing Committees Chairs of the SOM Standing Committees shall be members of the Executive Committee for the duration of their terms as Committee chairs. The Standing Committee Chairs shall be voting members of the Executive Committee. Executive Committee Members-at-LargeThe two Executive Committee members-at-large are elected by the SOM Faculty for a term of two years, which are staggered. No member-at-large shall serve more than one consecutive term. The members-at large shall be voting members of the Executive Committee. Members-at-large will serve as a member of the Committee on Committees. Members-at-large should not be members of the same department. Those holding joint appointments will be considered as members of the department in which they hold their major academic appointment. Each year and prior to the election of new members-at-large, the Senate Administrator shall distribute a questionnaire to the Faculty Senate members enabling individuals to express their interest in serving as a member-at-large. Nominations for the members-at-large vacancies are made by the SOM Committee on Committees from the slate of interested faculty. Additional nominations may be made by a majority vote of the SOM Executive Committee or by written petition of ten Senate members. This information will be made available to the SOM Faculty prior to the final composition of the ballot. The ballot shall comprise the candidates determined by the process above, and submitted for an electronic vote to all members of the SOM Academic Senate. The results of the vote shall be kept in the office of the Senate Administrator until the following election. G. Redress Five members of the SOM Senate Faculty may appeal to the Executive Committee any unexecuted action of a standing or ad hoc committee by notifying the Chair in writing of the action to be appealed within 30 days of said action. The Executive Committee will make a consistent effort to mediate and resolve matters brought forth to the Executive Committee under this provision. Section III. Committees of the SOM Academic Senate A. Ad Hoc Committees Faculty ad hoc committees shall be appointed by the Chair of the Executive Committee or by resolution of the Academic Senate of the SOM. They shall terminate their function at the end of the academic year of their appointment unless extended for good cause. They may be reappointed or re-elected the following year. Ad hoc committees shall be established by or through the authority of the Chair of the Executive Committee, in consultation with the Executive Committee, to deal with new and/or temporary problems or projects of the SOM Faculty that require in-depth or urgent deliberation, resolution, and/or formulation, which is not readily available through the activity of the SOM Standing Committees. Non-Senate faculty members may be appointed to ad hoc committees in numbers that maintain a Senate member majority. The chair of an ad hoc committee shall be a Senate member. Ad hoc committees shall be authorized only to give advice to the Executive Committee, except as otherwise specified by the Executive Committee. Unless otherwise specified by the Executive Committee, ad hoc committees are not authorized to give advice to non-Senate agencies or University officers, nor are they authorized to take final action on any matter for the Senate. Both Senate and non-Senate ad hoc committee members shall have voting rights. Ad hoc committees shall function following the organizational and reporting pattern of the Standing Committees of the Senate. B. Standing Committees General Provisions The Standing Committees of the SOM Senate shall be only those committees established by these Bylaws. They are committees of the Senate and report to the Executive Committee. Each Standing Committee shall meet monthly or shall determine another schedule of meetings that should be known to the Executive Committee. All Standing Committees shall meet a minimum of one time per year. The Standing Committees shall be as follows: Committee on Admissions and Financial Aid Committee on Committees Committee on Continuing Medical Education (CME) Committee on Curriculum and Educational Policy (CEP) Committee on Mentoring Committee on Postgraduate Clinical Programs Committee on Promotions and Honors (P&H) Research Committee of the School of Medicine Space Resource Allocation Advisory Committee (SRAAC) Structure of the Standing CommitteesEach Standing Committee shall have a Chair and a Vice Chair who shall be Senate members and who shall be elected by the committee members at the beginning of each academic year. The Vice Chair shall fulfill the responsibilities of the Chair in the absence of the Chair. Members of the Standing Committees, other than the Committee on Committees, shall be appointed by the Committee on Committees using the process defined in Section III(C)(2)(b). The Committee on Committees shall assure the membership integrity of all Standing Committees at all times. Each Standing Committee shall be composed of seven members of the SOM Faculty unless otherwise indicated in these Bylaws. No more than two of the seven members of a Standing Committee may be non-Senate faculty, unless otherwise decided by the Executive Committee or indicated in these Bylaws. A majority of each committee shall be Senate members at all times. A quorum shall be defined as greater than 50% of voting members. No member of a Standing Committee shall serve more than two full terms consecutively. Eligibility to serve on the same committee will resume after a one-year lapse. Faculty appointed to fill vacancies will serve for the unexpired term of the person they replace and, in addition, their full term. The SOM Dean and the SOM Dean’s Leadership Cabinet may be ex-officio members of the Standing Committees. Functions of the Standing CommitteesStanding Committees are designated to deliberate, review, and formulate policies and procedures that affect the activities of the SOM Faculty. Standing Committees shall be authorized only to give advice to the Executive Committee, unless otherwise decided by the Executive Committee or indicated in these Bylaws. Both Senate and non-Senate standing committee members shall have voting rights. Each Standing Committee shall determine its own rules that shall not be in conflict with UCI or SOM Academic Senate Bylaws or regulations. Such rules should be written to assure uniformity in application. Each Standing Committee shall have written policies and procedures that shall be approved by the Executive Committee and shall be filed with the Senior Administrator. Each Standing Committee Chair shall report monthly to the Executive Committee. Each Standing Committee Chair shall submit an annual report of its activities to the Executive Committee no later than on July 1. Each Standing Committee shall maintain attendance records and minutes. Minutes of meetings shall reflect the topics and the deliberations of the committees, as well as the actions taken; the minutes shall be approved by the respective Standing Committee and sent to the Executive Committee Vice Chair within two weeks of the meeting. If a committee member is absent without prior excuse for more than three consecutive monthly meetings, or at 75% of the meetings, the Standing Committee Chair shall advise that member in writing stating that if the member will miss an additional meeting, he/she will be excused from further service on the committee. In this case, the Standing Committee Chair shall ask the Committee on Committees to replace the member. A Standing Committee has the right to go into executive session, limited to voting committee members, and may exclude ex-officio members and guests, at the committee's pleasure. Each Standing Committee has the privilege of appointing ad hoc subcommittees and task force groups to assist in its duties. Notification of appointment of ad hoc subcommittees will be made to the Chair of the Executive Committee within two weeks of such appointment. Election and Appointment of Standing Committee MembersCommittee on Committees The Committee on Committees shall consist of the Executive Committee Chair, Executive Vice Chair, and the two Executive Committee members-at-large who are elected by the SOM Senate Faculty. All new committee members of this Committee shall assume their duties on July 1 of the year in which they are elected. Other Standing CommitteesThe Committee on Committees will appoint the members of the other Standing Committees using the process defined in Section III(C)(2)(b). The Committee on Committees shall promptly fill vacancies on the Standing Committees. The Committee on Committees shall also fill any vacancy, which may occur during the academic year on the Standing Committees for the duration of the unexpired term of such vacancy. Term of Office of Officers and Members of Standing CommitteesChairs and Vice Chairs shall serve one year, renewable up to four years. Each appointed member shall serve for a term of three years, renewable once, except for the Committee on Committees whose members shall serve for a term of two years only. Chairs and Vice Chairs of the Standing CommitteesAnnually, but no later than May 1, the Senate Administrator shall send a confidential ballot to each Senate member of a Standing Committee, listing the names and the extent of committee seniority of its members. The ballot shall be marked to indicate the member's choice for Chair and Vice Chair and shall be returned to the office of the Senate Administrator who shall function as the teller. A majority vote of the entire committee membership is required for election. In case of a tie vote, a run-off election shall be held among the tied candidates to determine the Chair or the Vice Chair of the Standing Committee. If a Standing Committee Chair or Vice Chair position becomes vacant during the academic year for whatever reason, within two weeks the committee shall fill the position as pro tempore from among its members by election. The Committee on Committees shall appoint a Faculty member to fill the vacated committee position with due respect to the committee members’ preferences. Standing Committees MembersNo Senate member shall serve concurrently on more than two Standing Committees of the SOM, in addition to the Executive Committee. No non-Senate member shall serve concurrently on more than one Standing Committee of the SOM. No administrative personnel of the SOM may serve as members of any of the standing or ad hoc committees of the Faculty, except in an ex-officio capacity. No more than two members of any one department or program may serve concurrently on any one committee, with the exception of the Executive Committee and the Committee on Committees. All motions that result in action or policy decisions require a majority vote of the committee quorum. C. Standing Committees - Membership and Duties Committee on Admissions and Financial Aid Policy Membership As described in the SOM Bylaws Section III(B)(3) on “Structure of Standing Committees.” DutiesThis Committee shall make recommendations pertaining only to the SOM. The Committee on Admissions and Financial Aid Policy shall initiate policy, as well as monitor, advise, and make recommendations with regard to the performance of the SOM Administration in the areas of admissions and financial aid. Committee on Committees Membership As described in the SOM Bylaws Section III(B)(5)(a) “Election and Appointment of Standing Committees Members: Committee on Committees” DutiesNominate candidates for the Executive Committee Vice Chair as defined in Section II(E)(2)(b). Nominate candidates for the Executive Committee members-at-large as defined in Section II(F)(2). Each year and prior to said appointment of the new Standing Committee members, the Senate Administrator shall distribute a questionnaire to the Faculty Senate members enabling individuals to express their interest in serving on specific committees. The Committee on Committees shall approve the selection of nominees, appoint all members of Standing Committees, and fill any vacancies, which may occur in them. Committee on Continuing Medical Education (CME)Membership As described in the SOM Bylaws Section III(B)(3) on “Structure of Standing Committees.” DutiesThe Committee shall make recommendations concerning the means by which the SOM can implement the continuing education of physicians and other healthcare workers including the design of postgraduate continuing education programs directed at practicing physicians and other health care providers. These programs are to be taught in SOM facilities and in various local, regional, national, or international sites. The Committee shall evaluate the content and the financial integrity of the proposed programs and ensure that the most qualified Faculty is selected in providing these educational activities. Committee members may be asked to provide peer review. The Committee shall work in close association with the Office of CME, and may recommend changes necessary to support the mission of the SOM. Committee on Curriculum and Educational Policy (CEP):Membership As described in the SOM Bylaws Section III(B)(3) on “Structure of Standing Committees,” except that this Committee will have nine members. The nine members of this committee shall have staggered terms of three years each; no more than four members may be non-Senate faculty. The membership shall have an appropriate balance of Senate members from the basic sciences (at least two members) and from clinical departments. Only Faculty with expertise, interest, desire, and dedication to medical education shall be invited to serve on the CEP committee. ChargeThe CEP is charged by the Executive Committee to oversee the medical education program as a whole, and has responsibility for the overall design, management, integration, evaluation, and enhancement of a coordinated medical curriculum. [See LCME, Element 8.1] DutiesTo establish the educational policy of the curriculum to correspond with the Faculty Bylaws, teaching philosophy of the Faculty, set objectives of the SOM, and accreditation standards. To assume complete and exclusive responsibility for periodic review and approval of the curriculum as a whole, the phases of the curriculum, and individual courses in terms of content, design, instruction, integration, and quality. To formulate and approve assessment methods and outcome measures for student, individual course, and program performance evaluations. To approve new and changed courses. To develop new courses, or modify courses where appropriate, in conjunction with the course directors and department chairs. To decide on the general allocation of time and resources of courses. Committee on MentoringMembership As described in the SOM Bylaws Section III(B)(3) on “Structure of Standing Committees,” except that this Committee will have 12 members. Only Faculty with an academic rank of Associate Professor or higher shall be invited to serve on the Mentoring committee. DutiesTo identify Academic Senate junior faculty preparing for their mid-career review To review the mentee’s independent research program with respect to creative output, extramural funding, and progression towards national recognition To evaluate the mentee’s teaching activities and academic service To make recommendations that would increase the mentee’s success in achieving promotions and tenure Committee on Postgraduate Clinical ProgramsMembership As described in the SOM Bylaws Section III(B)(3) on “Structure of Standing Committees.” DutiesTo report and recommend when appropriate, at least annually, to the Executive Committee the number of residents, training programs, funding sources, major affiliates, and current trends in postgraduate clinical programs pertinent to the Faculty. To advise and function as a Faculty academic resource for the SOM Administration and directors of residency training programs in the area of residency activities, plans, and accreditation concerns. The committee shall not function in the areas of resident grievances, salary matters, or employment benefits. Committee on Promotion and Honors (P&H) Membership As described in the SOM Bylaws Section III(B)(3) on “Structure of Standing Committees.” The SOM Dean and/or the Vice Dean for Medical Education and such individuals as they may recommend and who are invited by the Committee may be present at all deliberations, except in the executive sessions of the Committee. ChargeP & H is charged by the Executive Committee to make decisions and implement policies concerning student advancement and due process. Duties:The Committee shall review the progress of all students in programs leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine. The Committee shall make decisions and policies concerning student promotions, honors, and graduation. The Committee shall approve a single set of core standards for the advancement and graduation of students across all training locations. The Committee shall establish fair and formal policies and procedures for students to appeal disciplinary actions concerning their advancement, graduation, or dismissal. The Committee does not have any jurisdiction over resolving grading issues. The departments have autonomy for determining grades, but should not act in an arbitrary manner. School of Medicine Research Committee (SOM-RC)Membership As described in the SOM Bylaws Section III(B)(3) on “Structure of Standing Committees.” The membership of this committee shall have representation from both clinical and basic science departments. The Vice Dean for Research and other invited guests may be present at all deliberations, except in the executive sessions of the Committee. DutiesDetermine policies and guidelines for research goals, grant eligibility, calls for proposals, application procedures and evaluation criteria for SOM Faculty research. Provide unbiased reviews of the SOM internal grant program This committee shall determine its own policies regarding using ad hoc consultants or reviewers, including outside reviewers, to assist in application evaluations if necessary. Space Resource Allocation Advisory Committee (SRAAC)Membership As described in the SOM Bylaws Section III(B)(3) on “Structure of Standing Committees,” except as set forth below. The Committee shall be composed of nine voting members of the SOM Senate. Every year the Committee on Committees shall appoint three faculty members to serve three-year terms, thus resulting in staggered terms. Members shall be from the basic sciences and clinical science departments of the SOM and shall be reasonably numerically balanced between them. DutiesSRAAC represents the SOM Faculty in its capacity as an advisory committee to the SOM Dean and Senate. SRAAC shall meet monthly, and its deliberations shall concern the allocations, reallocation, or renovation of administrative, research, or teaching space, and related resources. The committee shall establish policy regarding space allocation for specific programmatic research needs of the SOM as well as the needs of individual academic units, with the goal of optimizing the research, teaching, and administrative goals of the SOM. SRAAC shall evaluate long-term as well as short-term planning including short-term space needs, and make appropriate recommendations, which shall be submitted to the SOM Dean. Section IV. Modification of the Bylaws A. The Bylaws may be amended by the SOM Representative Assembly of the Faculty provided the following provisions are met: A petition signed by 15 members of the Senate or a recommendation from the Executive Committee will be required to be submitted to the Assembly for consideration. Approval by two-thirds of those Assembly faculty members will be required for adoption of any proposed amendments. APPENDIX II. Definitions and Membership of the Academic Senate A. Definitions Standing Order 105.1 Organization of the Academic Senate B. Membership of the Academic Senate The Academic Senate shall consist of: Dean University Librarian Lecturer with Security of Employment Assistant Professor in Residence Assistant Professor of Clinical X Associate Professor Associate Professor in Residence Associate Professor of Clinical X Acting Associate Professor Professor Professor in Residence Professor of Clinical X Acting Professor Instructors and Instructors in Residence of less than 2 (two) years’ service shall not be entitled to vote. C. Regulations Regulations shall consist of selected important written rules, regulations and procedures concerning faculty and/or student academic organizational topics that require the attention of said constituents. They shall be formal actions taken by a Standing Committee, concerning such matters as promotions, probation, etc., or the SOM Representative Assembly. There may also be similar types of rules that apply primarily to students that have been formally issued by the Dean’s office, concerning topics such as admission, transfers, housing, financial aid, etc. The SOM Representative Assembly shall review all proposed rules, regulations, and procedures in regard to appropriate subject and format. The rules, regulations, and procedures may be amended by the authority that issued them. They may be repealed with the approval of the Executive Committee of the Faculty. APPROVED BY: SOM REPRESENTATIVE ASSEMBLY MEMBERS – JULY 2022 APPROVED BY: SOM REPRESENTATIVE ASSEMBLY MEMBERS – JULY 2022 Download the PDF Version Executive Committee Ming Tan, MD Chair Angela Fleischman, MD Past Chair Anand Ganesan, MD, PhD At-Large Member Current Members Shannon Toohey, MD Sherif Rezk, MD Greg Evans, MD Robert Steele, PhD Rami Khayat, MD Seyed Sajjadi, MD, PhD Phillip Felgner, PhD Hoda Anton-Culver, PhD Ex-Officio Members Michael Stamos, MD Geoffrey Abbott, PhD Daniela Bota, MD, PhD John Gross, MD Khanh-Van Le-Bucklin, MD, MEd Megan Osborn, MD, MPHE Brian Cummings, PhD Albert La Spada, PhD