Academic Affairs Message from the Senior Associate Dean Meet the Team Chair Resources International Physicians Health Science Compensation Plan OATS Resources and FAQ FAQs, Resources & Training Calendars & Deadlines Faculty Development About Us Monthly on Mondays Definitions of Series Merit & Promotions Faculty Research Mentoring Professional Development Wellness Teaching & Assessment GME Teaching Skills Training Faculty Academics Administrative Appointments Non-Faculty Academics The School of Medicine Academic Senate Faculty Wellness The UCI School of Medicine values faculty wellness and provides opportunities for faculty to create an effective work-life balance. Home About Faculty Development Wellness UC Irvine Faculty Wellness Programs UC Irvine offers a variety of Wellness programs for both faculty and staff. View All Programs & Events Samueli Integrative Health Center Resources The Susan Samueli Integrative Health Center has a variety of resources ranging from mindfulness classes, clinical services, and integrative research. Explore Offerings UCOP Wellbeing Initiative The UC Office of the President created a Wellbeing Initiative, formed upon the four pillars of emotional, financial, nutritional, and physical wellbeing. Explore Offerings UC Davis/UC Irvine Train New Trainers Clinician Health and Wellbeing Fellowship (TNT CHWB) As part of the UCOP Wellbeing Initiative, there is the UC Davis/UC Irvine Train New Trainers Clinician Health and Wellbeing Fellowship (TNT CHWB). This program is designed for providers who wish to receive advanced training in clinician health and wellbeing. Read More About the Program Faculty and Staff Mental Health Coordinator Support is offered for a wide range of issues including: work related stress, relationship/couples issues, family problems, depression, anxiety, or other emotional problems, grief and loss, alcohol, drug and other addictions, consultations and training services for faculty and staff management. The Coordinator provides consultative services and support to resolve behavioral health issues, serves as a primary crisis intervention resource to facilitate and coordinate appropriate resources, provides time-limited case management for individual employees, and develops and implements instructional training and materials to assist in the promotion of mental well-being for all staff and faculty. Phone number: (949) 824-5208 Visit Website The Office of the Ombudsman Provides a safe and comfortable environment to discuss complaints, concerns, or problems confidentially. The Ombudsman acts as an independent and impartial resource. The Office of the Ombudsman does not serve as an office of notice or record for the university. The Office does not conduct formal investigations, nor does it maintain or keep records. The Office of the Ombudsman serves all students, faculty, and staff of the UCI community – both on the main campus and at the UCI Medical Center. The Office of the Ombudsman is available Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm. Address: 205 MSTB, Irvine, CA 92697 Phone: (949) 824-7256 Visit Website Title IX and Office of Equal Opportunity & Diversity The UCI Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity (OEOD) is responsible for the University's compliance with federal and state laws and University policies and procedures regarding discrimination, retaliation, sexual harassment, and sexual violence. OEOD works to promote and integrate the principles of equal opportunity, affirmative action, nondiscrimination, and inclusive excellence at UCI. Visit Website UC Irvine Healthcare Medical Staff Medical Ethics Committee The Medical Ethics Committee's primary mission is to ensure optimal care of patients through education of the medical staff and other healthcare professionals. Requests for consultation can be made to the Medical Staff Office (714.456.5521) by the patient, patient's surrogate, patient's family, or any professional responsible for the care of the patient. UC Irvine Healthcare Risk Management The goal of Risk Management is to minimize liability of the medical center and of its professionals and employees within the constraints of providing optimal patient care. For assistance consult the Director of Risk Management Phone (714) 456-5676 UC Irvine Healthcare Ombudsperson Office This office facilitates confidential, impartial, and informal resolution of problems, concerns, and complaints of faculty, staff, students, or administrators of the medical center. Phone: (714) 456-5605 UC Irvine Healthcare Patient Relations Patient Relations exists for the patients and offers continuous support to all those who care for them. Patient Relations Service Phone: (714) 456-7004 Financial Planning View and print pay statements, change personal information, change beneficiaries and more by visiting UC Path. Retirement benefits and changes in allocations can be made at “AtYourService”. The M-POWER Committee Composed of faculty, resident and fellow representatives from clinical departments across the UCI School of Medicine with two faculty chairs and one resident chair. The Committee strives to establish and maintain a supportive community at UCI School of Medicine and UCI Medical Center that proactively engages in activities which promote wellness, resiliency, and high standards of professionalism. If interested in participating, please contact one of the M-POWER Chairs: Dr. Patrick Lee, Clinical Professor, Dermatology ( or Dr. Deena McRae, Associate Clinical Professor, Psychiatry ( UCI Faculty Peer Support Program This is modeled after the nationally renowned program at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital with formally trained UCI faculty who are ready to offer one-on-one support to colleagues following an acute occupational stressor. Please contact Dr. Patrick Lee or Dr. Deena McRae if interested in referring yourself or a colleague. Wellness Resource Bank The UC Irvine GME Wellbeing Resource Guide has many useful suggestions and links to wellness fundamentals and online mental health resources. Wellbeing Fellowship The SOM supports wellness training to grow initiatives at UCI. If you are interested in making wellness a part of your career, we recommend to attend the UC Davis/UC Irvine TNT Physician Health and Well-being Fellowship. If you would like further information, please contact, Dr. Anju Hurria. Learn More Interactive Screening Program (ISP) The ISP provides a convenient and confidential way for individuals to complete a brief mental health screening and receive a personalized response from a caring mental health counselor. You can anonymously communicate with a mental health professional to receive recommendations and support. Emergency and non-urgent resources are provided on the website, and a more individualized selection of resources will also be provided by the counselor. Your participation is completely voluntary and anonymous. Learn More UCI Reach Website