Centers & Institutes Centers and Institutes provide collaborative environments focused on a specific disease or scientific approach for interdisciplinary research initiatives. Home Research Centers & Institutes Fostering Excellence in Research At the UCI School of Medicine, we are dedicated to fostering excellence in research. We achieve this by creating a collaborative environment that encourages our researchers to work together, sharing their expertise and knowledge. Additionally, we provide access to the latest technology and leverage UCI's extensive network of research centers and institutes to ensure our researchers have the necessary resources to make groundbreaking discoveries. Our commitment to excellence in research is reflected in everything we do, from our state-of-the-art facilities to our world-class faculty. UCI School of Medicine Centers & Institutes Center for Aging Research in Down Syndrome (CFAR-DS) Center for Artificial Intelligence in Diagnostic Medicine Center for Autism Research and Translation (CART) Center for Clinical Research Center for Epigenetics and Metabolism Center for Neural Circuit Mapping Center for Neuropolitics Center for Tissue Engineering Center for the Study of Cannabis Center for Trauma and Injury Prevention Research Center of Excellence on Elder Abuse & Neglect Center on Stress & Health Gavin Herbert Eye Institute Genetic Epidemiology Research Institute Medical Education Simulation Center Reeve-Irvine Research Center Research Center for Exercise Medicine and Sleep Surgical Education & Research Center Surgical Education Center UCI Center for RNA Science & Therapeutics (CSRT) UCI Diabetes Center UCI Muscle Biology and Disease Center Adeline Yen Mah Vaccine Center Special Research Programs Beckman Laser Institute and Medical Clinic Institute for Clinical and Translational Science Organized Research Units Cancer Research Institute Center for Translational Vision Research (CTVR) Center for Virus Research Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics Institute for Immunology Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders (UCI MIND) UCI Future Health Campus & Other Research Centers & Institutes Ablative Oncology Center Campus Center for Neuroimaging Center for Autism & Neurodevelopmental Disorders Center for Health Care Management and Policy Center for Hearing Research Center for Microbiome Science Center for Occupational and Environmental Health Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center Conte Center for Brain Programming in Adolescent Vulnerabilities Epilepsy Research Center Irvine Center for Addiction Neuroscience Multiple Sclerosis Research Center Ovarian Cancer Center Sue and Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center Susan Samueli Integrative Health Institute Tu & Yuen Center for Functional Onco-Imaging/Surgical Education Center Becoming a UCI School of Medicine Center For information on becoming a UCI School of Medicine center, please review our application process. School Center Designation Guidelines