Medicine About Us Contact Us Education & Training Clerkship & Electives Residency Programs Fellowship Programs Continuing Medical Education Research iTEQC Research Program Clinical Expertise Divisions Basic and Clinical Immunology Endocrinology Gastroenterology General Internal Medicine & Primary Care Hematology & Oncology Hospital Medicine Program Infectious Diseases Mary & Steve Wen Cardiovascular Division Nephrology, Hypertension and Kidney Transplantation Pulmonary Diseases Rheumatology Faculty Research Home Research Research: Clinical Departments Medicine: Home Medicine: Research A Long and Growing Commitment to Research UCI's Department of Medicine leads groundbreaking research across 10 specialty divisions and continues to grow its ongoing commitment to medical investigation. Our department has more than 300 research protocols over our 10 specialty divisions, spanning the entire spectrum of academic medical pursuits — from atomic level analysis to studies of molecules, cells, tissues, animals and human subjects. We are at the forefront of research at UCI, receiving almost 20% of all faculty research awards at the university in 2023. In total, the Department of Medicine and its divisions received $129M, a 21% increase over the previous year. We have averaged a 26% annual increase in research awards received over the past eight years. In 2023, approximately 80% of the research awards were categorized as clinical trials; a further 14% of the awards were categorized as basic research, 3% as applied research and the rest split between public service, fellowships, training and “other.” The Department of Medicine has produced over 500 peer-reviewed publications each year since 2020. For more information about research conducted by Department of Medicine faculty, researchers and students, please visit the research sections of our division websites. Medicine Divisions Research Collaborations Our department has research affiliations with many centers, institutes and programs across the School of Medicine and campus. centers & institutes iTEQC Research Program UCI’s Department of Medicine iTEQC research program aims to develop innovative and personalized technical solutions to advance the healthcare decision-making process, improving patient outcomes and lowering costs. iTEQC program Research Support The UCI School of Medicine Office of Research supports basic, clinical and translational research endeavors. Find support