Welcome to the School of Medicine Office of Academic Affairs. We facilitate all aspects of faculty recruitment, appointment, development, mentoring and career success. Our website provides a comprehensive breakdown of the resources in place to achieve this, together with policies, guidance and contact information to increase transparency and explain our roles.
The University of California utilizes a highly standardized academic file review process to ensure transparency, fairness and equity as faculty progress through their careers. This includes not only the progression from Assistant to Associate and Full Professor, but also several steps within each rank. Each progression to the next step (Merit Advancement) or rank (Promotion) requires review of faculty accomplishments during the review period, which in turn requires careful academic file preparation. The School of Medicine Academic Affairs office, together with your home department, oversees and coordinates many aspects of file preparation and review, including review and evaluation committees for the various faculty tracks at UCI.
Our goal is that every faculty member being put forward for academic review has planned ahead, been engaged in their file preparation, and received ample guidance to help ensure the desired outcome. The Office of Academic Affairs partners with both individual faculty and their home department to provide faculty mentoring and leadership programs, advice on file preparation, and guidance on career progression. This assistance begins with the New Faculty Orientation program that welcomes faculty to the School of Medicine, and continues with a blend of group training sessions, online chat forums and individual counseling. Academic Affairs also oversees research staff hiring and provides guidance and support for conflict resolution. Throughout all these processes, a fundamental tenet is our commitment to equity and diversity.
To help achieve all this, Academic Affairs has an expert team of highly experienced staff, and two Associate Deans for Academic Affairs (Dr. Kyoko Yokomori, senate and Dr. Mohammad Helmy, non-senate) who facilitate the multifaceted process of academic file review. In addition, two Associate Deans for Faculty Development (Dr. Brian Cummings, senate and Dr. Nimisha Parekh, non-senate) develop and oversee programs for faculty development and mentoring at all levels, in addition to offering individualized counseling to faculty as the need arises.
We hope that this site proves a valuable resource to help you navigate your academic journey and successful career advancement at UCI.
Geoffrey W. Abbott, MSc, PhD
Vice Dean, Basic Research
Senior Associate Dean, Academic Personnel