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It is the policy of the UCI Office of Graduate Medical Education to verify only the dates and type of postgraduate training for training completed more than five (5) years ago. The Office of Graduate Medical Education and/or the individual training programs can only verify that a trainee received training credit based on the program requirements at that time. Please follow the instructions outlined below to submit your request. Email submissions should be sent to the GME Registrar. Please submit your verification request form and authorization of release of information form. Both are required to process a standard verification request. Please include your name, email and contact number as well. The GME Office charges $50 per verification request (per Verification Company/Board). Fees will be collected by the GME Registrar once a request has been submitted. Training Verification Payment Please allow 30 days for processing, which is required by ACGME. Questions regarding this process should be directed to our GME Registrar. Board Application Training Verification Requests If you are requesting that training verification be completed as part of a medical board application, please complete the Medical Board Verification of Training Request Form and Authorization to Release Information Form. Email the completed forms to GME Registrar. A Program Director that signs a Medical Board form does so because your State requires a signature to license the physician applicant. However, the Program Director signing the licensing form is not responsible for the information stated. It is important to note that the training information submitted on the form, per the University verification process, is from the trainee’s file and not from the individual training program. Please follow the instructions outlined below to submit your request. Email submissions should be sent to GME Registrar. Submit your request including name, email and contact number along with a copy of your medical board verification request document(s). Please complete and sign any sections of the medical board form(s) that require your attention; this varies per state. Please submit two forms of documentation to confirm your identity. The GME Office charges $50 per verification request (per Verification Company/Board). Fees will be collected by the GME Registrar once a request has been submitted. Training Verification Payment Please allow 30 days for processing. Questions regarding this process should be directed to our GME Registrar. Certificate Requests Past Training Certificate Replacement Requests Training program completion certificates are only issued to physicians who successfully completed a UC Irvine ACGME-accredited training program. Certificates are not issued for incomplete training. If you did not complete your training program at UC Irvine, but are requesting confirmation of the dates you did complete, please reference the “Past Training Enrollment Letter” section below. To request a replacement training certificate, please follow the instructions outlined below: Complete the Certificate Replacement Request Form. Email the completed form to GME Registrar. Submit two forms of documentation to confirm your identity. The GME Office charges $50 per physical certificate replacement order or $10 per scanned certificate copy (if available). Please contact the GME Registrar to see what is available based on your training record before submitting your request. Fees will be collected by the GME Registrar once your request has been submitted. Physical Replacement Payment Scanned Certificate Payment Please allow 2-3 weeks for a scanned copy and 6-8 weeks for processing a replacement certificate. Questions regarding this process should be directed to our GME Registrar. Past Training Enrollment Letter Requests If you did not complete a training program and are only requesting confirmation of the dates for which you did receive training credit, please follow the instructions outlined below. Please note, the document provided to you will not be considered a primary source verification. Inquiries related to past training verification must be submitted to the UCI Office of Graduate Medical Education for processing. To request a past training enrollment letter, please follow the instructions outlined below: Complete the Past Training Enrollment Verification form. Email the completed form to GME Registrar. Submit two forms of documentation to confirm your identity. The GME Office charges $50 per request. Fees will be collected by the GME Registrar once your request has been submitted. Please allow 2-3 weeks for a scanned copy and 6-8 weeks for processing a replacement certificate. Questions regarding this process should be directed to our GME Registrar.