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The TNT PCP Fellowship is a year-long clinical education certificate program for primary care-oriented trainees and providers who wish to receive advanced training in primary care psychiatry. This training is provided by national experts at the interface of integrated psychiatric and general medical practice. There is a strong focus on learning with translation to excellent delivery of behavioral healthcare for mainly underserved populations. We train primary care providers to:

  • Recognize early symptoms of common mild to moderate psychiatric conditions
  • Complete a quick and targeted “primary care psychiatric” assessment
  • Provide evidence-informed treatment using cognitive therapy techniques, motivational interviewing and use of appropriate medications
  • Train New Trainers within their clinic or region
> 1000
TNT Fellows
> 30
Community Partners
> 50
TNT Faculty – most dually trained

Nationally Recognized

TNT curriculum is innovative, evidence-informed and transformative.

Career-long Mentorship

TNT Graduates receive career-long mentorship that supports alumni through all phases of their careers.