The Department of Physiology & Biophysics is currently has more than 20 postdoctoral trainees conducting research in the department. The department provides multiple avenues for their academic, professional and career growth by engaging them in research presentations, opportunities to participate in manuscript writing, and grant writing workshops on campus. Our postdoctoral scholars play a vital role in supporting UCI’s research mission. Postdocs provide full-time support and expertise for faculty-led research projects, mentor graduate and undergraduate researchers, and – because many come from outside the United States — provide international perspectives in their research areas. As such, UCI values their contributions to the campus and is committed to providing training and networking that helps them get to the next step in their careers. The UCI's Graduate Division - Office of Postdoctoral Affairs caters to the specific training and personal needs of the postdoctoral scholars on the UCI campus.
Our postdoctoral scholars come to us from all over the world. 80% are foreign-trained having received their PhD degrees internationally. We have scholars from the University of Namur, the University of Auckland, Pierre and Marie Curie University, and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, among others. Our postdoctoral scholars have diverse backgrounds, diverse research interests and diverse career goals.
The UCI School of Medicine offers several financial support opportunities for postdoctoral scholars.
They include:
- Travel Support: Postdoctoral scholars in the School of Medicine are eligible to apply for Postdoctoral Travel Support to help with the travel costs associated with attending a conference related to their research or for professional development opportunities.
- Fellowship Incentives: Postdoctoral scholars are eligible to apply for Individual Fellowship Incentives, including:
- Postdoctoral scholars who submit an individual fellowship application can apply for a $250 research award from the School of Medicine Office of Graduate Studies.
- Postdoctoral scholars who apply for and receive a K Award from the National Institutes of Health can apply for a $1,000 research award from the School of Medicine Office of Graduate Studies.

You will also find UCI Graduate Division's website for postdoctoral scholars informative and resourceful.
Visit Grad Postdoc Site
Learn more about UCI Postdoctoral Scholars Association (PDA).
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Garnett-Powers & Associates, Inc offers the University of California Postdoctoral Scholar Benefits Plan (PSBP).
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