Academic Counseling About Us Leadership & Staff Academic Support Framework Contact Us ZotUnity Academics Learning Specialist Support ZotUnity FAQ Academic Support Framework Home Education Medical Education MD Programs Student Support MD Programs Academic Counseling >About Us MD Programs Academic Counseling > Academic Support Framework UCI School of Medicine Academic Support Framework (ASF) At UCI School of Medicine, academic challenges are seen as an opportunity for students to reflect upon and improve their performance through the self-regulation learning cycle. To help all our students be successful, UCISOM is committed to identifying students experiencing academic difficulties at an early stage and providing those identified with timely and holistic interventions. We use an integrated, systematic and student-centered Academic Support Framework (ASF) that offers support at different tiers. The support ranges from adequate instruction for all students (Tier 1), to targeted small-group interventions (Tier 2) and individualized support (Tiers 3 and 4). Academic Support Framework: Percentages indicate the estimated number of students within each tier.Tier 4 (1-5%): Exit Support Compassionate Off-Ramping Tier 3 (10-15%): Concern Intensive 1-on-1 Support Tier 2 (10-15%): Attention Targeted Group Support Tier 1 (80-90%): Universal Interventions Preventative and Proactive Core Principles of the ASF Model UCI’s 4-Tiered ASF Model entails the following core principles: Improving both academic and behavioral outcomes of students Offering support at four tiers that ranges from instruction for all students, to various targeted small-group interventions and individualized support Differentiating the nature and intensity of support to help all students achieve high rates of success Setting high and realistic expectations that are clearly communicated to students Implementing evidence-based and targeted interventions Student Monitoring Weekly combined student support and curricular affairs meetings The Student Support/Curricular Affairs Team monitors grades and at-risk behaviors (e.g. late assignments, lack of awareness, lack of help-seeking behaviors, missed required vaccinations, risk of failing or failed courses, failed USMLE, missing exams, leaves of absence, etc.) The Student Support/Curricular Affairs Team includes: Senior Associate Dean for Students Associate Deans of Curricular Affairs for basic science and clinical science education Assistant Dean of Student Affairs Associate Dean for Educational Compliance and Quality Director of Curricular Affairs Director of Academic Support Learning Specialist Director of Student Affairs Student Affairs Coordinator Registrar Director of Financial Aid Biweekly student success team meetings for regular collaborative monitoring of all students and integrity of interventions The Student Success Team monitors every exam grade and identifies students in need of additional support. The Student Success Team includes: Senior Associate Dean for Students Assistant Dean of Student Affairs Director of Academic Support Learning Specialist Tiered Support Systems Tier 1: Universal Interventions Preventative and proactive interventions designed for all students Transparency and clear expectations around the Tiered ASF model during MS1 Orientation to normalize remediation Access to ZotUnity Academics peer tutoring services Office of Student Support weekly walk-in office hours Peer tutoring office hours, by appointment Biweekly and monthly case-based collaborative learning sessions (MS1 and MS2) Supplementary instruction and exam review tutorials prior to every in-house exam Introduction to learning support at MS1 orientation and mission-based programs orientations Introductory one-on-one meetings with a learning specialist USMLE learning and longitudinal content support Wellness and USMLE advising sessions Self referrals to small group and individual tutoring Tier 2: Targeted Small-Group Interventions Students identified for Tier 2 support are those who: In any course, at any point, are receiving a grade below the minimum passing score Consistent performance (>2 examinations in one course or >4 examinations in all courses) within 5% of the pass mark Poor performance <10th percentile nationally on a comprehensive assessment (CBSE) Delay USMLE beyond the standard timeframe or deadline Self-identified need for academic support Students receive a Letter of Support from the Student Success Team, who serves as the point of contact and works with the other members to develop an intervention plan for the student Attention – 1 Letter of Support (Tier 2a) Students who receive a general Letter of Support are encouraged to meet with their course director and participate in small group or individual tutoring through ZotUnity Academics. Students are also advised of UCISOM mental health counseling services and the Office for Disabilities and Accommodations. Concern – 2 Letters of Support and DocuSign Contract (Tier 2b) Required for any student with a weighted average below passing in any given course If underperformance continues, the Student Success Team will send a second Letter of Support and require the student to meet with a learning specialist or director of academic support The student and learning specialist or director of academic support will co-construct a learning plan and establish frequency of check-ins initiated by the student The student is required to sign a DocuSign contract outlining expectations for the learning plan Tier 3: Individualized Support Students identified for Tier 3 support are those who: Exhibit consistent pattern of underperformance. E.g., failed one or more courses, have two active shelf failures (requiring an enrichment LOA), and/or failed USMLE Placed on an academic remediation plan by the Promotions and Honors Committee Placed on administrative leave or extended curriculum due to academic performance Failure of any course or clerkship Tier 3 Letters of Support The associate dean for students will meet with student to provide general support and discussion of next steps (Tier 3 letter of support) The student is required to meet with a learning specialist or director of academic support to co-construct a learning plan and establish frequency of check-ins initiated by the student The student is required to sign a DocuSign contract outlining expectations for the learning plan Course director is invited to attend the applicable Student Support Team meeting The Student Success Team approves the student’s learning plan for appropriateness and measurable outcomes Student must complete the remediation plan according to the specified timeline Chair of the Student Success Team informs the student and team members of the remediation outcome in writing If applicable by policy, student may be referred to the Committee on Promotions and Honors for academic sanction Tier 4: Exit Support For some students, changing the track to the Master of Science in Medical Science may be a better option. Although exit support can take place at any point along the continuum, students who may need to pursue another path are typically identified at the end of the first year. Exit support includes personal counseling, exit interviews and assistance with providing them with realistic alternatives.