Cognitive Coaching
The director of academic support services and the learning skills specialist provide tertiary interventions to help students optimize their academic and clinical learning experiences. Individual coaching sessions are scheduled for up to 40 minutes and provide students with the opportunity to further develop their academic or professional goals, approaches to learning, utilization of resources and current academic progress. Depending on students’ needs, action steps are identified and can include: collaborating on implementation of specific learning and study strategies, identification of resources and/or referrals to faculty specialty experts and other UCI resources.
Cognitive coaching sessions are provided via Zoom and in-person during university operating hours. There is no limit to the number of sessions students may receive and students may book sessions through an online link and/or by contacting the director of academic support or learning skills specialist.

- Holistic and individualized learning plans
- Study habits and adaptive learning strategies
- Motivation and goal setting
- Academic resilience and preventing learner burnout
- Time management and organization
- Assessment analysis and test-taking strategies
- School/life balance integration plans
- Optimizing daily and weekly routines for peak performance
- Research-based teaching methods for small group learning
"I appreciated my Learning Specialist's willingness to use data-driven points to alter my study techniques to achieve my goal score. I also appreciated her helping me identify new time-efficient study techniques for specific test-taking issues (e.g. narrowing down to two possible answers then choosing the wrong one)." — MS1
"The session helped give me specifics about how to study and keep track of my work, and I really liked the concrete tips I got." — MS2
"It was nice just voicing out the worries I have been having regarding my education and my studying. I left the session feeling much more clear and confident about what I could do to make studying a productive and positive experience." — MS3