The department offers two- to four-week clinical rotations for UCI medical students and external students.
MD Clerkships
Our department offers an exceptional residency training program, providing a dynamic environment with renowned faculty, innovative research, advanced technology and patient-centered cancer care.
Physician Residency Program
The UCI CAMPEP-accredited (Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physics Education Programs) clinical residency education program prepares medical physics PhD graduates to practice independently and to provide the highest quality patient care.
Physics Residency ProgramThe Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) assists students from any academic discipline in finding and pursuing research activities on or off campus.
UROPThe Bio Sci 199 course series is a faculty-supervised research opportunity in which students work in one of the more than 250 labs in the UCI School of Biological Sciences or School of Medicine and receive graded credit for their research.
BioSci 199One of the high school STEM outreach programs the Department of Radiation Oncology participates in is the Johnson & Johnson Bridge to Employment program. Bridge to Employment is focused on academic enrichment, post-secondary education preparation and career exploration for high school students from underserved communities.
Bridge to EmploymentAlumni
Meet the graduates from the UCI Radiation Oncology Physician Residency and Physics Residency programs.