From the time of admission, incoming students receive regular communication from the program director advising them of policies, requirements and other training issues. Students are provided with training guides, which are reviewed during orientation and contain all policies and procedures related to the program. As students progress through the year, they receive guidance on professional and career-related topics.
In addition to the program director, each laboratory division has at least one education coordinator, usually a senior CLS, specialist or supervisor, who is available for assistance and guidance.
All meetings and discussions of student concerns are held in confidence and take place in an office or other private area that can be closed off from public access. Whether a student is having personal or academic problems, or issues related to peers or laboratory staff, program officials strive to maintain sensitivity and impartiality in all situations.
Students will not be substituted for service work in place of regular, paid laboratory staff. Any service work performed by students outside of regular academic hours is non-compulsory.
A student desiring to withdraw from the program must present their intention and reason for withdrawal in writing to the program director. Upon review of the request, an exit interview will be scheduled. Documentation of the interview and written request will remain in the trainee’s file. Laboratory Field Services and all relevant UCI divisions/departments will be notified of the student’s withdrawal. Issuance of scholarship checks shall terminate upon withdrawal from the program. The student will return all medical center property upon termination.
To progress in the CLS training program, students must successfully fulfill the minimum requirements of academic achievement.
Training objectives and student competencies are well defined for each unit of instruction. Achievement of objectives and competencies may be documented through competency checklists, by achieving passing scores (70% or better) on lecture/laboratory exams and quizzes, and maintaining an overall B average in each rotation. Students must also achieve at least satisfactory ratings on each clinical rotation evaluation.
Students are expected to develop a sense of professionalism, responsibility and ethics related to patient care and learning. If a student is unable to achieve and maintain the level of performance required, the program is obliged to take steps toward probation and/or release from the program.
Any combination of deficiencies in academic/laboratory/professional performance can result in probation, final probation or release from the program. Verbal and written warnings are issued to the student during the period when they are not meeting minimum standards of the program.
Students are expected to refrain from cheating and plagiarism, to refuse to aid or abet any form of academic dishonesty, and to notify faculty or program officials about observed incidents of academic dishonesty. Any student caught cheating or performing other serious acts of intentional academic dishonesty will be dismissed from the program.
Examples of behaviors that are unacceptable at any time during the training program include:
- Excessive, unexcused absences.
- Involvement in nonprofessional behavior involving patients, students, staff or instructors.
- Failure to follow hospital and laboratory policies.
- Unauthorized possession/use of a controlled substance during work periods.
- Violence or threats of violence.
- Dishonesty, theft or misappropriation of university property.
Such behaviors will not be tolerated and will be cause for dismissal from the program.
Corrective action may be required for minor offenses or deficiencies or those situations in which the student knows or reasonably should have known that the performance or conduct was unsatisfactory. Initial corrective action will begin with oral counseling. A reasonable time period shall be allowed for the student to improve after the oral counseling. When the student’s performance has not improved with oral counseling, written counseling shall be initiated. The written warning shall describe the nature of the offense, the method(s) of correction and the action to be taken if the offense is repeated or the deficiency persists. The student has a right to request reviews of the action by using the Student Appeals Procedure.
If after probationary and/or corrective action processes the deficient performance is not resolved, the student shall be informed in writing of dismissal from the program. The notice shall specify the effective date of release, state the reason(s) for dismissal and state the student’s right to request review of the action by the student appeals procedure. Issuance of scholarship checks shall terminate upon release from the program. Laboratory Field Services and all relevant UCI divisions/departments will be notified of the student’s release. The student will return all medical center property upon termination.
It is the policy of the university to encourage and facilitate the resolution of complaints in a prompt and equitable manner. The student appeals procedure is established for implementation when a student believes they have received an unfair or inequitable evaluation. If the situation cannot be resolved by initial discussions with the immediate parties, an impartial grievance committee will be convened to review and determine the course of action.