- 461-bed hospital and the only academic hospital in Orange County
- Safety net hospital for Orange County
- Primary to quaternary care experiences
- Serves a large, diverse and underserved patient population with high acuity and a wide range of pathology
- Higher level of care referral center for Orange County, Riverside County and San Bernardino County
- Level 1 Trauma center, NCI Comprehensive Cancer Center, Stroke and STEMI receiving center

- 237-bed primary and tertiary care hospital
- Serves over 50,000 local veteran patients
- Primary to tertiary care experiences

- 420-bed hospital
- Community-based private practice model
- Primary to tertiary care experiences
- Blended medical, cardiac, neuro and surgical ICU experience for our trainees
- Level 2 Trauma center, Stroke and STEMI receiving center
Watch our tours of each site can be seen in the videos below.
UCI Medical Center and Graduate Medical Education (GME)
Watch an overview of the UCI Medical Center and Graduate Medical Education (GME)

Douglas Hospital
Take a 360 virtual tour of the Douglas Hospital lobby and floor
with Dr. Baraghoush, Internal Medicine PD, and Dr. Schubl, Chief of EGS

GME, Cafeteria & Kelly’s Cafe
Watch a 360 virtual overview of GME, and tour the cafeteria and Kelly’s Cafe
with Dr. Deena McRae, Assoc Dean for GME/DIO

MICU and Tower Medicine Floor
Take a 360 virtual tour of the MICU and Tower Medicine Floor
with Dr. Alpesh Amin, Medicine Chair