Welcome to the UCI Internal Medicine Residency Program
The goal of our program is to provide comprehensive, rigorous and humanistic training in internal medicine. Our graduates are skilled, compassionate physicians well prepared for any career path they ultimately choose.
If the many strengths of our program, our residents are by far our most outstanding asset. Their drive for excellence, intellectual curiosity, camaraderie and unending support for each other make our program all that it is.

Mission and Vision
Our Mission — We offer training imbued with the highest respect for intellectual rigor, curiosity and humanism to prepare our residents for any career path in internal medicine.
Our Vision — We seek to create diverse physician leaders and innovators of tomorrow who can balance the science of evidence-based medicine and the art of individualized care. By providing the strongest academic and clinical training, we strive to foster enduring scholarship, physician wellness and dedication to our patients and communities.

Message from the Program Director
We hope our program’s values align with yours and embody what you envision in a training program. Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions. We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your interest!

Our Values
Our residency program focuses on developing compassionate physicians through core values of Scholarship and Inquiry, Service, Humanism, Personal and Professional Development, and Camaraderie.
Our residency program coordinator is here to answer any questions you have.