Dermatology About Us Message from the Chair Contact Us Clinical Expertise Education & Training MD Student Clerkships Dermatology Residency Program Dermatology Fellowship Program Continuing Education Faculty Research Faculty Research Clinical Innovation Incubator Program About Us Home Research Research: Clinical Departments Dermatology: Home Dermatology: About Us Who We Are The Department of Dermatology has transformed over the past 10 years and is now nationally recognized as a leading program for clinical practice, research and teaching. By the Numbers: Our Commitment to Education We are well positioned to continue to develop our educational mission further. Faculty 46 Residents 15 ACGME Procedural Fellow 1 Our Vision Our dermatology faculty, residents and staff are proud to be part of UCI. We look forward to building a better future for the health of those living in Southern California and beyond through our commitment to the thorough education and training of medical students, residents and fellows and providing outstanding clinical care. Excellence in Innovation Our department is dedicated to groundbreaking research that improves patient care and advances the field of medicine. We consistently secure competitive national funding, including prestigious R01 grants, to support our faculty’s innovative research endeavors. Discover Our Achievements Clinical Excellence Our clinical practice in Irvine is a state-of-the-art space where our trainees learn from faculty who provide expert care, including the full range of medical dermatology, Mohs and excisional surgery, cosmetic procedures and a wide range of energy-based devices. We also have multiple noninvasive imaging options, providing light-based imaging and energy-based therapeutics rarely available in any other academic or private practice. Explore Our Capabilities Get in Touch Contact the Dermatology Department, Chair’s Office or Administration for inquiries. Contact Us