The UCI Medical Education Simulation Center, located within the medical education building at the School of Medicine on the Irvine campus, is a $40 million, 65,000-square-foot state-of-the-art medical simulation center. The Simulation Center includes a full-scale operating room, emergency room trauma bay, obstetrics suit and critical care unit. Alongside the Simulation suites are two dedicated debrief rooms and a state-of-the-art command center. Each suite is equipped with 360-degree, ceiling mounted cameras, omnidirectional hanging ceiling microphone and wall mounted equipment.
The Simulation Center provides simulation-based educational programs for UCI medical students across four years as well as UCI residents, fellows and faculty. The Simulation Center provides interprofessional medical simulation education and training activities for learners which enhances competence and strengthens collaborative practice across the continuum of care in a safe simulated environment. The training is enhanced by using high fidelity mannequins and educational task trainers.
The UC Irvine School of Medicine's Clinical Skills, Simulation and Ultrasound Center is the heart of our longitudinal MS1 and MS2 clinical skills curriculum that includes both education and assessment, as well as our MS3s clinical skills education and OSCE assessments and MS4 transition to residency course. Students begin their 4-year long journey into clinical medicine in the center the first week of MS1 year with a kickoff “Clinical Skill Boot Camp” designed to be an immersive doctoring experience which includes a multi-station patient course with standardized patients, simulation, procedure training and culminates in a debrief with our clinicians and basic sciences course directors. As MS1s and MS2s, students spend Tuesday and Thursday afternoons in the CSC and SIM Centers working in small groups of 3 to 5 students with Dean’s Scholars (faculty physician mentors with extensive experience in clinical skills education). The curriculum is designed to give MS1 and MS2 students a longitudinal experience in patient care and aligns with their basic science course work. As MS1s, students learn the intricacies of taking a patient history, followed by a series of systems-based modules. In each module, the MS1 students begin by learning a system specific physical exam, followed by a standardized patient case in our Clinical Skills Center. Students will then see the same patient in the Simulation Center, where that patient’s disease process will have progressed, and will also learn that system’s ultrasound exams. For many cases, the student will then follow that patient into a small group, team-based learning session. MS1 systems include, History, Cardiovascular, Gastrointestinal, Pulmonary, HEENT, Neurology and Musculoskeletal. Midway through the MS1 year, students begin to work through the “Top Ten Family Medicine Chief Concerns.” MS1 students see patients with Flank Pain, Dizziness and Headaches. As MS2s, students continue with the “Top Ten Family Medicine Chief Concerns” as students see standardized patients with Back Pain, Fever, Fatigue and Edema, Chest Pain, Dyspnea, Abdominal Pain that progress as simulation cases and chief concern specific ultrasound, ultimately culminating in small group case discussions. This longitudinal patient case style curriculum ensures that students develop their physical exam skills, communication skills and clinical reasoning skills in a progressive, additive manner with close physician mentorship and feedback via our Dean’s Scholars. MS3 and MS4 students return to the UC Irvine School of Medicine's Clinical Skills Center and Simulation Center for clerkship simulation sessions, procedural skills and OSCEs.
Please read the following before registration:
At this time, we are only offering the AHA Basic Life Support (BLS) Course to the students of Susan and Henry Samueli College of Health Sciences (School of Medicine, Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing, School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, and School of Population & Public Health). For UCI faculty and staff, please check the UC Learning Center for available classes at UCI Medical Center, or contact them at or 949-824-5011.
HeartCode® American Heart Association HeartCode® courses initiated or sponsored by the UCI Medical Center or through the Learning Center are not valid at the UCI Medical Education Simulation Center.
The Medical Education Simulation Center does not offer ACLS and PALS courses.
Course Description
The AHA HeartCode® BLS course is a two-part self-directed blended learning program that allows you to complete, assess, and review the course at your own pace.
Part 1: The Online Portion includes eLearning simulation and interactive activities to teach students the knowledge and skills of basic life support.
Part 2: The Hands-on Session is completed at the Medical Education Simulation Center - UCI Campus, using a voice-assisted manikin (VAM), where you must show proficiency in chest compressions, ventilations and CPR.
The UCI Medical Education Simulation Center is offering an intensive one-day instructor course designated for healthcare simulation instructors. The course is designed to combine elements of theory, practice, and immersive experiential learning focusing on simulation as a teaching tool. The course will allow participants to learn about the history, context, and theory of patient simulation, debriefing strategies, and designing simulation curriculum. Participants will also have the opportunity to apply skills learned through deliberate practice.
Target Audience
MD, DO, RN, allied health specialists and medical educators
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this activity, the participant should be able to:
- Discuss the role of simulation-based medical education
- Utilize effective debriefing techniques and teaching strategies in simulation
- Apply techniques learned to develop, run, and debrief simulation scenario
- Decrease the instance of vague or disorganized communication, and thereby improve patient safety though the use of communication verification tools
- Utilize and teach the components of Crisis Resource Management during critical events
Course Fees and Information
- $350 for UC Irvine Medical Education/School of Nursing Simulation Instructors (teach simulation to UC Irvine medical students, nursing students, and/or residents at the Medical Education Simulation Center)
- $500 for UC Irvine affiliated Simulation Instructors (must teach simulation to UC Irvine medical students, nursing students, and/or residents)
- $1,000 for all non-UC Irvine affiliated personnel and non-UC Irvine Medical Education Simulation Instructors
- Breakfast and lunch provided
- Register for simulation instructor training
- For additional information, please contact us at
Course Dates
- Please check back later for future course dates. Thank you!
Sample Course Agenda
7:30 am
Continential breakfast
8 am – 4 pm*
– Introduction to the simulation center/director/staff
– Introductory simulation and debrief
– Debriefing techniques
– Lunch
– Rapid-Cycle Deliberate Practice (RCDP) Simulation
– Operations overview
– Q&A
– Course Evaluations
Cancellation Policy
- Cancellations are subject to a $200 administrative fee. Cancellations made less than 30 days prior to the course will forfeit payment in full unless a replacement can be found.
- Any session that does not have a minimum of four confirmed participants will be cancelled. Enrolled participants will be notified of cancellation at least four weeks prior to the scheduled course.
Simulation Instructor Training Course Registration Form
Check back in 2025
The UCI Medical Education Simulation Center is endorsed by the American Society of Anesthesiologists® to provide Maintenance of Certification in Anesthesiology (MOCA®) simulation training. Our simulation course fulfills one requirement of the American Board of Anesthesiology’s (ABA) Maintenance of Certification in Anesthesiology Program (MOCA®) Part IV. Please consult the ABA website for a list of all MOCA® requirements. During the one-day course, each diplomat will be in the “hot seat” and manage one critical care scenario and view and/or provide clinical assistance in other scenarios. Diplomats will also identify a process improvement plan to be implemented within their home institution.
Target Audience
- Board Certified Anesthesiologists who need to fulfill their Maintenance of Certification in Anesthesiology (MOCA®) Part IV requirements or who would like to gain experience in critical cases in a simulated environment.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of the course, by participating in a simulated environment and reflecting on difficult clinical situations, participants should be able to demonstrate skills necessary to complete the following goals:
- Decrease the instance of vague or disorganized communication, and thereby improve patient safety though the use of communication verification tools and clear multi-departmental communication.
- Decrease the occurrence of morbidity and mortality through effective timing and utilization of resources in emergency situations.
- Provide effective management of hemodynamic and respiratory critical events in anesthesia.
- Provide a broader differential diagnosis during debriefing sessions by recognizing and eliminating potential areas of cognitive bias.
- Reflect on optimal teamwork, leadership and communication skills required in crisis management.
- Develop a process improvement plan to implement at home institution.
Course Information
- Course Fee: $2,000 (includes breakfast and lunch)
- UC Irvine faculty and alumni will receive a $200 discount
- CME credits offered: Up to 8 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM
- Register for the MOCA simulation course ›
- For additional information, please contact us at
Course Date(s) (all times are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
- Please check back later for future course dates. Thank you!
Cancellation Policy
- All cancellations will incur a $200 administrative fee. Cancellations made less than 30 days prior to the course will forfeit payment in full unless a replacement can be found.
- Any session that does not have a minimum of 4 confirmed participants will be cancelled. Enrolled participants will be notified of cancellation at least 4 weeks prior to the scheduled course.
Course Agenda
8 – 8:30 am
Breakfast and introduction
8:30 – 9 am
Orientation to the simulator and environment
9 am – noon
Simulation scenarios and debriefing
Noon – 12:30 pm
Lunch and process improvement plan
12:20 – 3:30 pm
Simulation scenarios and debriefing
3:30 – 4 pm
Q/A session and course evaluations
CME Credit Designation Statement
- The UC Irvine School of Medicine designates this live activity for a maximum of 8 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Disclosure Policy
- It is the policy of the UC Irvine School of Medicine and the University of California CME Consortium to ensure balance, independence, objectivity and scientific rigor in all CME activities. Full disclosure of conflicts and conflict resolutions will be made prior to the activity in writing via handout materials, insert, or syllabus.
Accreditation Statement
- The UC Irvine School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
ADA Statement
- In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, we will make every reasonable effort to accommodate your request. For any special requests, please contact the Medical Education Simulation Center at 949-824-8835 before the course date.
- This activity is in compliance with California Assembly Bill 1195 which requires continuing medical education activities with patient care components to include curriculum in the subjects of cultural and linguistic competency. For specific information regarding Bill 1195 and definitions of cultural and linguistic competency, please visit the CME website.
Medical simulation fellows will have the opportunity to gain expertise and comprehensive training in the following areas during the fellowship:
- Lead a multidisciplinary simulation center
- Develop scenarios and simulation curricula
- Master education techniques including debriefing skills and simulation instruction
- Integrate simulation into graduate medical education (residency programs in Anesthesiology, Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics, etc.)
- Integrate simulation for undergraduate medical education (pre-clinical and clinical years)
- Participate in and create research projects including writing grant application, IRBs, CME applications, manuscripts
The fellowship operates under four specific domains: education, program operations, research, and sustainment/management. The fellow will have the opportunity to educate/train and form cooperative collaborative relationships with medical students, residents, nurses, allied health professionals, EMTs, paramedics, and physicians while developing and delivering innovative simulation curriculum. Fellows will have the opportunity to create and implement new and innovative simulation material and curriculum that will be integrated into the core curriculum of the School of Medicine. Fellows will also participate in medical student, residency, and departmental activities that will improve their academic, teaching, and presenting skills. Lectures by fellows will primarily be during grand rounds at the medical center campus or during simulation conference at the School of Medicine campus. There will also be opportunity to provide education and lead tours for organizations that provide outreach and STEM programs. Fellows are encouraged to attend the Society for Simulation in Healthcare annual international meeting.
Each simulation fellowship is tailored to the needs of the particular fellow based on interest.
Fellows will spend approximately 70% of their time in the education domain, 20% research domain, 5% operations domain, and 5% sustainability/management.
What Medical Simulation Fellows should come away with as a result of a successful Fellowship
- Completion Certificate with the experience teaching at all levels of medical education
- Research idea or project in progress
- Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator (CHSE) Note: This is dependent on the fellow passing an exam
- Attendance at International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) Conference (travel, registration)
- Travel to sister UC-simulation center for collaboration with other simulation fellows (travel)
- Travel to UC System wide Simulation Consortium to present in a grand rounds-style presentation or journal club (travel)
Application Process
- English proficiency required, specifically medical terminology
- This is a non-clinical simulation fellowship; however, there may be opportunities to shadow
- US visa is not provided, applicant is responsible to obtain
- Housing and transportation is not provided, applicant is responsible to obtain
- Fees for the fellowship from the applicant’s institution is $62,272
- The breakdown for the fellowship fees can be discussed upon request
Applicants will be asked to provide the following:
- Application
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Two letters of recommendation
- Personal statement expressing why he/she is interested in this fellowship
Successful applicants will be asked to complete additional paperwork.
Program Schedule
- Applicants may submit at anytime. The academic calendar is from 1 July – 30 June.
- Maximum number of fellows/year: 2
Program Director