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Ultrasound in Medical Education

Providing medical students with bedside ultrasound imaging skills at the point of care by integrating this training throughout their medical school experiences.

To train medical students to become competent in portable ultrasound skills at the "point-of-care," teaching them to instinctively utilize an ultrasound device will bring them closer to their patient and their patient's illness.

This goal is accomplished by decreasing the operator dependency that is inherent in ultrasound. While it is the only imaging that does not involve radiation or a giant magnet, thereby enhancing its portability, for many it can be difficult to learn.

Overcoming the barriers inherent in ultrasound image acquisition is at the heart of our ultrasound program. We are working toward this by easy access lectures on Panopto, small group (2:1) hands-on scanning, and pathology-based simulation.

Stack of opened research publications

Medical Education Curriculum

With a focus on individualized learning, students have the freedom to explore areas of interest and tailor their ultrasound education accordingly.

Woman patient receives thyroid diagnostics. Treatment of thyrotoxicosis, and hypothyroidism. Ultrasound diagnostics of the endocrine system and thyroid

Ultrasound Standardized Patient

We need motivated, disciplined individuals eager to support medical education. Punctuality and reliability are essential. Interested?

Ultrasound in Medical Education Medical Education Building Suite 2100
836 Health Sciences Road
Irvine, CA 92697-4089