Graduate Studies Office of Graduate Studies Program Learning Objectives PhD & MD/PhD Programs PhD Interdisciplinary Programs Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) Master's Programs Genetic Counseling MS-BATS Postdoctoral Scholars Community & Resources Alumni Giving Financial Support Program Learning Objectives Home Education Graduate Studies: Program Learning Objectives PhD and Master's Programs PLOs Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) are measurable statements that describe knowledge or skills that students achieve upon completion of their academic program. The primary focus of program outcomes assessment is to demonstrate mastery of knowledge or skills in a summative manner (learning at the end) and to focus on the accumulation of essential learning that takes place over the duration of a program. PhD Program PLOs Anatomy & Neurobiology The PhD program in Anatomy and Neurobiology trains graduate students to become proficient and successful investigators who are able to: PLO1: Core Knowledge Demonstrate a basic knowledge of central concepts in the biomedical sciences Understand the current concepts in neuroscience Demonstrate specialized knowledge of neuroscience sufficient to carry out substantive independent research PLO2: Research Methods and Analysis Formulate hypotheses based on current concepts in the field and Design, conduct, and interpret their own research projects Understand the range of tools appropriate for research in their neuroscience sub-field Understand and follow research ethics PLO3: Pedagogy Communicate effectively to large and small groups in pedagogical settings such as discussion formats (and also in lecture formats) Identify and effectively deploy suitable technologies for use in all aspects of instruction PLO4: Scholarly Communication Review and cogently discuss relevant literature and their significance. Publish research results in peer-reviewed publications and in a dissertation communicate research results effectively through oral presentations at scientific seminars, conferences, and other venues Make clear and cogent oral presentations, including effective use of technology PLO5: Professionalism Select appropriate conference venues for their neuroscience research (as well as application areas) Write compelling abstracts describing their research for consideration at research conferences in neuroscience research, or appropriate application areas Prepare talks (both short and long) suitable for presentation at a research conference Make effective contributions to research teams and learning seminars Make effective contributions to department, university, community, and professional service Mentor junior researchers (e.g., undergraduates, beginning graduate students) PLO6: Independent Research Develop their own research projects that meet high standards of theoretical and methodological rigor with lasting impact Produce scholarship that is comparable in scope and format to articles that appear in leading peer-reviewed journals in neuroscience Supervise junior researchers (e.g., high school students, undergraduates, beginning graduate students) effectively Biological Chemistry The PhD program in Biological Chemistry trains graduate students to become proficient and successful investigators who are able to: PLO1: Core Knowledge Demonstrate a basic knowledge of central concepts in the biomedical sciences Understand the current concepts in molecular biology Demonstrate specialized knowledge of biomedical science sufficient to carry out substantive independent research. PLO2: Research Methods and Analysis Formulate hypotheses based on current concepts in the field and Design, conduct, and interpret their own research projects Understand the range of tools appropriate for research in their biomedical sub-field Understand and follow research ethics PLO3: Pedagogy Communicate effectively to large and small groups in pedagogical settings such as discussion formats (and also in lecture formats) Identify and effectively deploy suitable technologies for use in all aspects of instruction PLO4: Scholarly Communication Review and cogently discuss relevant literature and their significance Publish research results in peer-reviewed publications and in a dissertation Communicate research results effectively through oral presentations at scientific seminars, conferences, and other venues Make clear and cogent oral presentations, including effective use of technology PLO5: Professionalism Select appropriate conference venues for their mathematics research (as well as application areas) Write compelling abstracts describing their research for consideration at research conferences in biomedical research, or appropriate application areas Prepare talks (both short and long) suitable for presentation at a research conference Make effective contributions to research teams and learning seminars Make effective contributions to department, university, community, and professional service Mentor junior researchers (e.g., undergraduates, beginning graduate students) PLO6: Independent Research Develop their own research projects that meet high standards of theoretical and methodological rigor with lasting impact Produce scholarship that is comparable in scope and format to articles that appear in leading peer-reviewed journals in biomedical science Supervise junior researchers (e.g., high school students, undergraduates, beginning graduate students) effectively Experimental Pathology The PhD program in Experimental Pathology trains graduate students to become proficient and successful investigators who are able to: PLO1: Core Knowledge Demonstrate a basic knowledge of central concepts in the biomedical sciences Understand the current concepts in experimental pathology Demonstrate specialized knowledge of biomedical science sufficient to carry out substantive independent research PLO2: Research Methods and Analysis Formulate hypotheses based on current concepts in the field Design, conduct, and interpret their research project(s) Understand the range of tools appropriate for research in their biomedical sub-field Understand and follow research ethics PLO3: Scholarly Communication Review and cogently discuss relevant literature and their significance Publish research results in peer-reviewed publications and in a dissertation Communicate research results effectively through oral presentations at scientific seminars, conferences, and other venues Make clear and cogent oral presentations, including effective use of technology PLO4: Professionalism Select appropriate conference venues for their research Write compelling abstracts describing their research for consideration at research conferences in biomedical research or appropriate application areas Prepare talks (both short and long) suitable for presentation at a research conference Make effective contributions to research teams and learning seminars Make effective contributions to department, university, and community Mentor more junior researchers (e.g. undergraduates, beginning graduate students) PLO5: Independent Research Develop their own research projects that meet high standards of theoretical and methodological rigor with lasting impact Produce scholarship that is comparable in scope and format to articles that appear in leading peer-reviewed journals in biomedical science Microbiology & Molecular Genetics The PhD program in Microbiology & Molecular Genetics trains graduate students to become proficient and successful investigators who are able to: PLO1: Core Knowledge Demonstrate a basic knowledge of central concepts in the biomedical sciences Understand the current concepts in molecular biology Demonstrate specialized knowledge of biomedical science sufficient to carry out substantive independent research PLO2: Research Methods and Analysis Formulate hypotheses based on current concepts in the field and Design, conduct, and interpret their own research projects Understand the range of tools appropriate for research in their biomedical sub-field Understand and follow research ethics PLO3: Pedagogy Communicate effectively to large and small groups in pedagogical settings such as discussion formats (and also in lecture formats) Identify and effectively deploy suitable technologies for use in all aspects of instruction PLO4: Scholarly Communication Review and cogently discuss relevant literature and their significance Publish research results in peer-reviewed publications and in a dissertation Communicate research results effectively through oral presentations at scientific seminars, conferences, and other venues Make clear and cogent oral presentations, including effective use of technology PLO5: Professionalism Select appropriate conference venues for their research (as well as application areas) Write compelling abstracts describing their research for consideration at research conferences in biomedical research, or appropriate application areas Prepare talks (both short and long) suitable for presentation at a research conference Make effective contributions to research teams and learning seminars Make effective contributions to department, university, community, and professional service Mentor junior researchers (e.g., undergraduates, beginning graduate students) PLO6: Independent Research Develop their own research projects that meet high standards of theoretical and methodological rigor with lasting impact Produce scholarship that is comparable in scope and format to articles that appear in leading peer-reviewed journals in biomedical science Supervise junior researchers (e.g., high school students, undergraduates, beginning graduate students) effectively Physiology & Biophysics The PhD program in Physiology and Biophysics trains graduate students to become proficient and successful investigators who are able to: PLO1: Core Knowledge Demonstrate a basic knowledge of central concepts in Physiology and Biophysics Demonstrate specialized knowledge of Thesis research area of biomedical science sufficient to carry out productive independent research PLO2: Research Methods and Analysis Formulate hypotheses or genetic screens based on current concepts in the field and Design, conduct, and interpret research projects Understand and follow research ethics PLO3: Pedagogy Communicate effectively to large and small groups in pedagogical settings to the level of understanding of the audience Identify and effectively deploy suitable technologies for use in all aspects of instruction PLO4: Scholarly Communication Emphasis on strong oral communication skills Presentation skills to a scientific audience Ability to communicate complex scientific concepts to a non-scientific audience Read and cogently discuss relevant literature and their significance Publish research results in peer-reviewed publications Communicate research results effectively through oral presentations at scientific seminars, conferences, and other venues PLO5: Professionalism Select appropriate conference venues Write clear abstracts describing own research for conferences Prepare talks for presentation at a research conference Make effective contributions to research teams and learning seminars Make effective contributions to department, university, community, and professional service and mentor more junior researchers Ability to project a professional scientific image in public PLO6: Independent Research Develop their own research projects that meet high standards of theoretical and methodological rigor with lasting impact Produce scholarship that is at the leading edge of science Supervise more junior researchers as a team leader Ability to identify patentable scientific findings Practical knowledge of patent law and ability to interact with the Office of Technology Alliances Ability to identify practical uses of research projects Master's of Genetic Counseling Program PLOs The Genetics Counseling program in the UCI School of Medicine is designed to train clinical researchers who are proficient in the following skills: PLO1: Core Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of the central concepts of medical genetics Understand current concepts in genetic counseling Demonstrate ability to apply knowledge to new clinical situations PLO2: Research Methods and Analysis Demonstrate ability to critically review current research and appropriately incorporate this into clinical practice Able to introduce research options and issues to clients and families Able to formulate hypotheses based on current concepts in the field, and understand how to design, conduct and interpret a research project to test an hypothesis Understand and follow research ethics PLO3: Counseling Skills Develop skills to establish rapport, identify major concerns, and assess verbal and non-verbal cues Use a wide range of interviewing techniques to elicit individual and family experiences, emotions, perceptions, behaviors and attitudes Engage clients in an exploration of their responses to risks and options, and respond to emerging issues for a client or family Assess client understanding and response to information and adjust content of session appropriately Promote client decision-making in an unbiased, non-coercive manner, and provide short-term, client-centered counseling and psychological support PLO4: Clinical and Scholarly Communication Review and discuss relevant literature and its significance Publish research results in a master’s thesis and in peer-reviewed publications Communicate clinical cases and research results effectively through oral presentations at clinical conferences, scientific seminars, and other venues Make clear and cogent oral presentations, including effective use of technology Develop skill to teach at the lay level, for undergraduate students and other formal learners, peer education, as well as one-on-one mentoring and supervision skills PLO5: Professionalism Able to act in accordance with the ethical, legal and philosophical principles and values of the profession Able to establish and maintain interdisciplinary professional relationships to function as part of a health-care delivery team Recognize own limitations in knowledge and capabilities regarding medical, psychosocial, and ethno-cultural issues, and seeks consultation when needed Demonstrate initiative for continued professional growth PLO6: Independent Research Develop own master’s-level research project that addresses an important intellectual problem, meets high standards of rigor and constitutes an original contribution to the field Clearly communicate own research findings in written and spoken formats Master’s of Science in Biomedical and Translational Science (MS-BATS) Program PLOs The MS-BATS program in the UCI School of Medicine is designed to train clinical researchers who are proficient in the following skills: PLO1: Core Knowledge Demonstrate a basic knowledge of core concepts that underlie the conduct, interpretation and effective dissemination of clinical research Understand current concepts, issues and applications of clinical policy and health services research Demonstrate specialized knowledge of clinical research, focused on comparative effectiveness research and evidence-based medicine sufficient to conduct mentored research in those areas PLO2: Research Methods and Analysis Understand and be able to formulate research questions appropriate for clinical research, particularly comparative effectiveness and evidence-based medicine research Design, conduct, interpret and present a mentored research project Understand and apply measurement methods to clinical research projects Understand the principles of and be able to implement practices related research ethics Understand, interpret and be able to critique statistical techniques across a broad range of applications in clinical research PLO3: Pedagogy Participate in and communicate effectively during classroom discussions of literature; be able to lead classroom discussions critiquing and applying topics related to course content Be able to use instructional materials, technologies, etc. in leading groups discussions related to empirical literature, personal research projects/progress, etc. PLO4: Scholarly Communication Present and discussion clinical literature and implications for interpretation of research findings for clinical care Participate in publication of research results in peer-reviewed journals Complete the thesis project and publish a master’s thesis Concisely communicate research results effectively through oral presentations, including seminars, scientific meetings, conferences and other venues Use available media and technologies to communicate research results to scientific audiences Summarize research results effectively for abstract submissions, poster sessions and other scientific venues PLO5: Professionalism Make effective contributions to scientific teams; be able to work in interdisciplinary research groups Mentor junior researchers Understand and be able to contribute to the ‘learning healthcare system’ – conceptualize clinical policy focused projects, systematic literature reviews, etc. Understand and avoid conflicts of interest and make full disclosure before undertaking any research project Adhere to all relevant ethical standards and practices for responsible conduct of clinical research Understand appropriate standard and regulations regarding protection of human subjects, and ensure the safety and welfare of any human subjects participating in research projects Execute research in accordance with standards of scientific objectivity, accountability and excellence Continue to advance knowledge and understanding of translational, clinical policy and health services research through education and training PLO6: Independent Research Develop, conduct, analyze and interpret a research project with guidance from multi-disciplinary mentoring team Produce scholarship consistent with comparable to scope, content and quality necessary to meet standards for publication in peer-reviewed journals in clinical and health services research