The MD/Master of Public Health program requires five years for completion. It is aimed at individuals who are seeking a career as physicians concerned about making a significant difference in community disease prevention. Students in this program pursue a combined curriculum for an MD degree from the School of Medicine and an MPH degree from the Program in Public Health.

Application Process
Students must be currently enrolled in the MD program in order to apply to the dual MD/MPH program. During their second or third year of medical school, interested students submit both the Application for Graduate Admission and the School of Public Health Application Service (SOPHAS) application in order to be considered for admission. Final acceptance to the program is granted by the Program in Public Health, and MPH coursework begins following the student's third year of medical school. Students should be aware that enrollment in the MD program does not guarantee acceptance into the MPH program.
The MCAT, along with the completion of three years of medical school training in good standing, currently serve as a waiver for the GRE entrance examination usually required for application to the MPH program. The total number of units required to graduate from each program separately are satisfied in the MD/MPH program.