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  • Sickle cell
  • Journal Club
  • Upper airway and immunocompromised host
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Lung primary and secondary immune defense
  • Immunodeficiency
  • Asthma (updates)
  • Nebulized medications, IV antibiotics, resistance mechanisms
  • Hemodynamic/lung mechanic/high-altitude physiology
  • Chronic cough/recurrent pulmonary infiltrate
  • Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA)
  • Novel therapies
  • Bronchoscopy
  • Steroid sparing agents
  • Novel therapies for CF
  • CRFLD (GI)
  • Pulmonary function test (PFT) (infant and pediatric)
  • Immunology
  • Chronic respiratory failure
  • Long-term ventilator
  • Ventilators
  • Common disorder of prematurity
  • Digital healthcare
  • Hemodynamic physiology
  • Pulmonary hypertension
  • Respiratory failure
  • Pediatric airway (ENT)
  • Cardiology considerations (CPET)
  • Sleep disorder
  • Allergic rhinitis

Radiology Conference

The Radiology Department at Miller’s remains dedicated to the care of our patients and the education of our fellows. Aside from an open-door consultation policy on any patient, fellows regularly interact with the pediatric radiologists.

CT, MRI, reconstructive imaging and ultrasound are all reviewed in didactic sessions on a monthly basis. Understanding radiology is complex. Mastering the skill of radiologic interpretation is achieved by the end of fellowship, allowing our graduates to succeed in real-world practice.

Grand Rounds

Grand Rounds occur every Friday at Miller’s year round. The Pulmonary Division comprises 20% of all Grand Round presentations. Our attendings, with their diverse backgrounds, are national subject matter experts on a variety of pulmonary topics.

In addition, we regularly invite scholars in the field of pulmonary to present at Grand Rounds. Fellows’ attendance is mandatory. However, the quality of presentations and didactics of Grand Rounds is such that it’s a no-miss event for many trainees at the institution.

Clinical Pathological Conference

The Clinical Pathological Conference (CPC) is a highlight of every fellow’s time at Miller’s. The CPC highlights the age-old model of medical training during which an entire department learns of a complex disease through the presentation of clinical pathology.

Each fellow selects, prepares and presents at least one CPC during fellowship. The goal of the CPC is to utilize a single patient case and present the complexity of the case from the bedside to biopsy and from treatment to outcome.

Western States Pediatric Pulmonary Case Studies

The University of Arizona Pediatric Pulmonary Center facilitates a monthly Western States Pediatric Pulmonary Case Study for pediatric pulmonologists, fellows and trainees.

These case studies have grown from only including the western states to national and international participants. Each month there is a new presenter from one of the participating institutions.