Pediatric Endocrinology Fellowship Curriculum Training Sites Research Faculty Contact Us & Apply Curriculum Home Research Research: Clinical Departments Pediatrics: Home Pediatrics: Education & Training Pediatrics: Education & Training > Fellowship Programs Pediatrics: Education & Training > Fellowship Programs > Pediatric Endocrinology Fellowship Pediatrics: Education & Training > Fellowship Programs > Pediatric Endocrinology Fellowship > Curriculum Pediatric Endocrinology Fellowship Curriculum UCI/CHOC Pediatric Endocrinology fellows are expected to participate in a joint curriculum with other pediatric subspecialty fellows on a variety of topics including epidemiology, biostatistics, clinical and lab research methodology, study design, grant preparation, principles of evidence-based medicine, research ethics, teaching, professionalism and systems-based practice. Didactic curriculum for the program includes lecture series, Grand Rounds and conferences. Lecture Series The lecture series covers the plethora of endocrine topics designed to meet the American Board of Pediatrics content specifications for required material to successfully pass the pediatric endocrinology certification exam. Faculty will provide weekly lectures, but the fellows will also take a role in presenting to allow for development of presentation skills and knowledge-based teaching. Core topics are covered in a curriculum to provide repetition of these areas at least twice during the fellowship. Assignments are varied based on each fellow’s interests and knowledge base. Attendance is required and monitored for both the fellow and attendings. Grand Rounds Grand rounds are held Wednesdays from 8-9 a.m. These conferences provide updates and reviews on a broad range of both general pediatric and subspecialty topics. Attendance is encouraged at pertinent conferences. Fellows will also present grand rounds with the supervision of a faculty mentor, if desired. Conferences Endocrine Case Conference Presentation of diabetic and endocrine cases generated from the outpatient and/or inpatient setting. The fellow will be required to participate and will be encouraged to present cases for discussion and provide opportunities for education. Disorder of Sex Development Conference This is a monthly multidisciplinary conference with our pediatric urology team, medical geneticist and psychologist or psychiatrist (if needed) to discuss the presentation and management needed in patients with disorders of sex development. Pediatric Medicine/Surgery Morbidity & Mortality Conference Fellows will participate in morbidity and mortality case discussions in a variety of different divisions, including the pediatric and neonatal ICUs. Multidisciplinary Thyroid Cancer Conference Fellows will participate in an every-other-month thyroid cancer case presentation conference with nuclear medicine, interventional radiology, ENT and endocrinology. Adult/Pediatric Combined Case Conference Fellows will participate in a bimonthly adult and pediatric case presentation conference with UCI adult endocrinology fellows and attendings. Journal Club On a rotating schedule, faculty presenters and fellows will present and lead a discussion on a peer-reviewed, evidence-based endocrine topic. Research methodology, strength of study, clinical applications, study design and statistics are among the potential discussion topics.