Medical Degree Program Admissions Application Criteria & Process Admission Requirements How to Apply FAQs Transfer Policy & Procedures Contact Us Curriculum Electives Information for Incoming Students Student Support 625Z - Introduction to Gender Diversity This rotation is not accepting external or international students. This course is only avaliable to fourth-year students. Students must obtain permission from the course coordinator who will obtain faculty approval based on avaliability prior to enrollment in this course. Home Education Medical Education Medical Degree Program MD Programs Curriculum Family Medicine Elective > 625Z - Introduction To Gender Diversity Course Director, Coordinator and General Administrative Information Faculty & Staff Office Location Phone Email Director: Odrin Castillo, DO 450 East Spring St. Suite 1, Long Beach CA, 90806 562-933-0050 Associate Program Director: Florence Yuan, MD 101 The City Dr. Blvd., Orange CA, 92868 714-456-7002 Coordinators: Kim Bautista 450 East Spring St. Suite 1, Long Beach CA, 90806 562-933-0050 DESCRIPTION Students will spend two weeks in an outpatient clinic setting. The majority clinical elective at Memorial Care with Dr. Odrin Castillo, with supplemental clinical and didactic experiences drawing on other clinicians and organizations in Orange County. This introduction to Gender Diversity curriculum is designed to broaden the student’s understanding of providing medical care to LGBTQ+ patients. LGBTQ+ medicine is a new, rapidly evolving field of medicine, born of necessity in the context of health disparities between LGBTQ+ and non-LGBTQ+ patients. This track focuses on three broad learning objectives: primary and acute care of LGBTQ+ patients of all ages sexually transmitted disease prevention and treatment initiation, titration, and maintenance of gender-affirming hormone therapy PREREQUISITES This course is intended for fourth-year students enrolled in the undergraduate medical education program at UCI School of Medicine. RESTRICTIONS This course is intended for fourth-year students enrolled in the undergraduate medical education program at UCI School of Medicine. COURSE DIRECTOR Dr. Castillo has worked in higher education since 2020. He received his medical degree from Touro University California and completed his family medicine residency at Long Beach Memorial Medical Center. Currently, Dr. Castillo is the Director of Community Outreach and Diversity at Memorial Care Residency Program with an area of concentration on LGBT+ health. Kim Bautista are the course coordinator for 625Z course. They are also the assistant residency coordinator for the Department of Family Medicine Residency at Memorial Care. INFORMATION FOR THE FIRST DAY Who to Report to on First Day: Kim Bautista Location to Report on First Day: 450 E Spring St, Ste 1, Long Beach, CA 90806 Time to Report on First Day: 8:00 AM SITE: Memorial Family Medicine at Long Beach Memorial FMRP LGBTQ Center Long Beach Metamorphosis Clinic, Buena Park UCI Health Pediatric Gender Diversity Program DURATION: two weeks Scheduling Coordinator: UCI students please call (714) 456-8462 to make a scheduling appointment. Periods Available: The time of the course must be pre-approved by the elective director at least three months prior to the start of the course. No exceptions. NUMBER OF STUDENTS ALLOWED: one per rotation WHAT STUDENTS SHOULD DO TO PREPARE FOR THE COURSE Read about adult outpatient medicine, hormone replacement therapy and sexually transmitted diseases. COMMUNICATION WITH FACULTY Questions about logistics should be directed to the Course Coordinator. Direct questions, comments, or concerns about the course can be directed to the Course Director. Contact information and office location are at the beginning of this document. The Course Director is also available to meet in person. Please email Kim Bautista to arrange an appointment. To ensure that your email will not be lost in the large volume of email received, please use the following convention for the subject line: SUBJECT: COURSE NAME, your last name, your issue (e.g. 625Z, Smith, Request for appointment) Course Objectives and Program Objective Mapping The following are the learning objectives for the 625Z course. Students are expected to demonstrate proficiency in these areas in order to satisfactorily complete the course. In addition, the extent of a student's mastery of these objectives will help guide the course evaluation and grade. Course Objective Mapped UCI School of Medicine Program Objective Sub Competency Core Competency The student will be able to identify current healthcare issues that affect LGBTQIA+ patients and how the wider healthcare system works and does not work for these populations. A-4. Knowledge of population health, epidemiology principles and the scientific basis of research methods relevant to healthcare A-5. Knowledge of medical practice, including healthcare economics and health systems impacting delivery and quality of patient care Population Health and Epidemiology Medical Practice Knowledgeable Take a comprehensive health history of the LGBT patient, including a detailed social and sexual history, as well as transition-related healthcare both within and outside of a medical setting. A-3. Knowledge of basic clinical skills required to meet the skills objectives, including interviewing, physical diagnosis, communication and clinical reasoning processes B-1. The ability to competently conduct a medical interview and counseling to take into account patient health beliefs, patient agenda and the need for comprehensive medical and psychosocial assessment Medical Interview Knowledgeable Perform a systematic physical examination of the LGBT patient, including a comprehensive breast, pelvic/urogenital, rectal, and prostate exam, as deemed appropriate for the organs present. C-2. Professional behaviors reflecting compassion and respect for patient privacy, altruism and a commitment to comprehensive, holistic medical care Physical Exam Altruistic Demonstrate effective primary care counseling skills for the psychosocial, behavioral, sexual, and reproductive issues of the LGBT patient. C-3. Sensitivity and awareness of diverse cultures, health beliefs and social factors impacting patient health and illness Cultural and Social Awareness Altruistic Develop recommendations for appropriate screening tests, health risk factor reduction, and wellness support (based on relevant guidelines) for the LGBT patient. B-5. The ability to practice effective preventive medicine by identifying, addressing and advocating for strategies to maintain health and well-being, to identify and treat disease early where appropriate and to advise on lifestyle practices Patient Management Skillful Craft patientcentered treatment plans and coordinate care for common conditions affecting the LGBT population by acting as a patient advocate and utilizing community and health system resources to optimize patient care when indicated. B-4. The ability to search the medical literature, including electronic databases, and to locate and interpret up-to-date evidence to optimize patient care Evidence Based medicine Skillful Course Resources TEXTS AND READINGS: SUGGESTED Meyer and Northridge. The Health of Sexual Minorities. 2007 UCSF Transcare Guidelines Feminizing Hormone Therapy Masculinizing Hormone Therapy National HIV Curriculum National STD Curriculum ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Transyouth Conference (virtual) University of Washington Hep C Training Major Exams, Assignments and Grading MANDATORY SESSIONS Session Title Location Didactics:Monday MorningsFriday Afternoons Zoom Journal Club:Tuesday Afternoons Zoom MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS AND EXAMS Formal presentation of assigned outpatient topic – discuss details with course director. GRADING Medical Students are graded using the following scale: Honors (H), Pass (P), Fail (F), and Incomplete (I). For further information, please review the Grading Policy. You have 30 days from the date of the grade to appeal any aspect of this grade. Please contact your Clerkship/course Director should you have any questions Grading Clinical Evaluation 70 points Attendance 20 points Presentation 10 points TOTAL 100 points Clerkship Passing Criteria Minimum total point percentage Minimum of 70% (70/100 points) Other Attend lectures Turn in all assignments and forms on time Requirements for “Pass” To receive a grade of Pass, students must demonstrate successful performance in all the following areas: Knowledge Patient Care Practice-Based Learning Interpersonal & Communication Skills Professionalism Systems-Based Practice Requirements for “Honors” To receive a grade of Honors, students must demonstrate exceptional performance in all the following areas: Knowledge Patient Care Practice-Based Learning Interpersonal & Communication Skills Professionalism Systems-Based Practice Grounds for “Incomplete” You will not be issued a grade until all elements of the course have been completed. REMEDIATION Remediation, if needed, will be designed by the course director to suit the issue at hand. Grounds for “Fail”: You will receive a grade of "Fail" if the requirements for passing the course have not been met. Please refer to the Grading Policy for the impact of the "Fail" grade to the transcript.