Medical students participate in outreach at Samueli Academy Posted: 2024-03-18 Source: UCI School of Medicine News Type: Features & Briefs share On Monday, March 18, UCI medical students participated in an outreach event at the Samueli Academy, aiming to educate high school students about careers in healthcare. They engaged tenth-grade students through teachings on healthcare professions, practical training and hands-on opportunities to practice performing ultrasounds. Akira McDaniels, MS2, Martha Lopez, MS2, and Alejandro Canas, MS4, played pivotal roles in inspiring the next generation of leaders, focusing on those from marginalized communities and schools like Samueli Academy, which is home to a significant number of foster teens. Their contributions underscored the message that individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds have the potential to become doctors and influential figures within their communities, demonstrating a meaningful way our students address the social determinants of health affecting some of our local underserved neighborhoods. The outreach was also featured in several news outlets, gaining attention from NBC4 Los Angeles, Telemundo 52 Los Angeles, and Univision 34 Los Angeles. View NBC4 Los Angeles broadcast. View Telemundo broadcast. Media Contacts Matt Miller Director, Communications and Public Relations Michelle Strombeck Manager, Communications and Public Relations 312-498-8208