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July – August 2023

Posted: 2023-08-31

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Amalia Floriou-Servou, a postdoctoral researcher in the Baram Lab, received a “Postdoc.Mobility” grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation. This award ($150,000) will support Amalia’s work for 2 years.

Dr. Kei Igarashi received the 2023 Silver Beaker Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Basic Science Faculty Member (voted on by the MS1 and MS2 classes). He was also one of three basic science faculty members to receive a certificate for Medical Education Excellence in Teaching.

The Human Neuroscience course received the 2023 AMSG Excellence in Teaching – First Year Course award. Congratulations to course director Dr. David Lyon and all of the faculty who teach in this course.

Dr. Yama Akabari was awarded a 2023 ICTS Pilot Studies award on “Brain-heart connections during cardiac arrest for early-stage prognosis and treatments to improve outcomes”.

Dr. Oswald Steward was awarded a 2023 ICTS Pilot Studies award for “Quantitative assessment of arm movement function for nerve repair prognosis”.

Dr. Laura Ewell has received a 5-year RO1 award from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. The work under this grant is focused on determining the shared neuronal network mechanism of focal epileptic discharges and impaired memory processing in temporal lobe epilepsy.

Dr. Xiangmin Xu and Gordon Fishell (Harvard University), are co-principal investigators on a $3.8 million BRAIN Initiative grant from NIH to enhance the production and distribution of cell-type-specific viral targeting reagents. These are emerging as critical tools in neuroscience research, and this award will help the campus become a national center for such resources. Partners in this effort also include other UCI faculty including A&N faculty member Dr. Autumn Ivy.