Faculty & Staff |
Office Location |
Phone |
Director: Jean Vo, MD |
UCI Medical Center101 The City Dr. S.Bldg. 53Orange, CA 92868 |
714-456-5518 |
Coordinator: Minnie Trin |
UC Irvine Health Building 53, Room 205 |
This course gives students a brief exposure to Anesthesiology. The students will get a general idea of what the anesthesiology specialty is all about. For the medical student considering specializing in anesthesia, participating in this rotation will make your decision more informed as to how an anesthesiologist can best serve as a consultant to other specialists.
This course is intended for fourth-year students enrolled in the undergraduate medical education program at UCI School of Medicine.
This course is intended for third-year students enrolled in the undergraduate medical education program at UCI School of Medicine.
Jean Vo, MD
Who to Report to on First Day: Contact Site Coordinator
Location to Report on First Day: Building 53, Room 101 (Education Center)
Time to Report on First Day: 8:30 AM
SITE: UCI Medical Center
DURATION: Two weeks
Scheduling Coordinator: UCI students please call (714) 456-8462 to make a scheduling appointment.
Periods Available: The time of the course must be pre-approved by the elective director at least three months prior to the start of the course. No exceptions.
NUMBER OF STUDENTS ALLOWED: Six students by total capacity of OR electives.
Prior the start of the rotation the student should visit the departmental website at http://www.anesthesiology.uci.edu/education_med.shtml. All orientation, contact and syllabus information can be found on this site.
Questions about logistics should be directed to the Course Coordinator. Direct questions, comments, or concerns about the course can be directed to the Course Director. Contact information and office location are at the beginning of this document. The Course Director is also available to meet in person. Please email the Course Coordinator to arrange an appointment.
Course Objective |
Mapped UCI School of Medicine Program Objective |
Sub Competency |
Core Competency |
Demonstrate knowledge of the anesthesiologist's role in patient care. |
A-3. Knowledge of basic clinical skills required to meet the skills objectives, including interviewing, physical diagnosis, communication and clinical reasoning processes. |
Medical Practice |
Knowledgeable |
Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of evaluation and preparation of the patient for surgery. |
B-2. The ability to competently perform a complete and organ- system-specific examination including a mental health status examination. |
Physical Exam |
Skillful |
Demonstrate skills to manage the intraoperative events. |
B-3. The ability to articulate a cogent, accurate assessment and plan, and problem list, using diagnostic clinical reasoning skills in all the major disciplines. |
Patient Management |
Skillful |
Demonstrate skill to manage a patient in the postoperative phase. |
B-3. The ability to articulate a cogent, accurate assessment and plan, and problem list, using diagnostic clinical reasoning skills in all the major disciplines. |
Patient Management |
Skillful |
Demonstrate knowledge of the anesthesiologist’s role as a consultant in the management of the trauma patient. |
A-5. Knowledge of medical practice, including healthcare economics and health systems impacting delivery and quality of patient care. B-6. The ability to function effectively within the context of complexity and uncertainty in medical care. |
A-5: Medical Practice
B-6: Patient Management |
A-5: Knowledgeable
B-6: Skillful |
Demonstrate knowledge of the anesthesiologist’s role in the management of the parturient. |
A-5. Knowledge of medical practice, including healthcare economics and health systems impacting delivery and quality of patient care. B-3 The ability to articulate a cogent, accurate assessment and plan, and problem list, using diagnostic clinical reasoning skills in all the major disciplines. B-6. The ability to function effectively within the context of complexity and uncertainty in medical care. |
A-5: Medical Practice
B-3: Patient Management
B-6: Patient Management |
A-5: Knowledgeable
B-3: Skillful
B-6: Skillful |
Demonstrate skill in the care and management of the patients with cardiovascular disease. |
A-5. Knowledge of medical practice, including healthcare economics and health systems impacting delivery and quality of patient care. B-3 The ability to articulate a cogent, accurate assessment and plan, and problem list, using diagnostic clinical reasoning skills in all the major disciplines B-6. The ability to function effectively within the context of complexity and uncertainty in medical care. |
A-5: Medical Practice
B-3: Patient Management
B-6: Patient Management |
A-5: Knowledgeable
B-3: Skillful
B-6: Skillful |
Demonstrate skill in the applied pharmacology, physiology and acute pain management. |
A-3. Knowledge of basic clinical skills required to meet the skills objectives, including interviewing, physical diagnosis, communication and clinical reasoning processes. B-3 The ability to articulate a cogent, accurate assessment and plan, and problem list, using diagnostic clinical reasoning skills in all the major disciplines. B-6. The ability to function effectively within the context of complexity and uncertainty in medical care. |
A-3: Basic Clinical Skills
B-3: Patient Management
B-6: Patient Management |
A-3: Knowledgeable
B-3: Skillful
B-6: Skillful |
Demonstrate skill in basic airway management. |
A-3. Knowledge of basic clinical skills required to meet the skills objectives, including interviewing, physical diagnosis, communication and clinical reasoning processes. B-3 The ability to articulate a cogent, accurate assessment and plan, and problem list, using diagnostic clinical reasoning skills in all the major disciplines. B-6. The ability to function effectively within the context of complexity and uncertainty in medical care. |
A-3: Basic Clinical Skills
B-3: Patient Management
B-6: Patient Management |
A-3: Knowledgeable
B-3: Skillful
B-6: Skillful |
Demonstrate procedural skills such as IV catheter placement, mask ventilation, intubation. |
A-3. Knowledge of basic clinical skills required to meet the skills objectives, including interviewing, physical diagnosis, communication and clinical reasoning processes. B-3 The ability to articulate a cogent, accurate assessment and plan, and problem list, using diagnostic clinical reasoning skills in all the major disciplines. B-6. The ability to function effectively within the context of complexity and uncertainty in medical care. |
A-3: Basic Clinical Skills
B-3: Patient Management
B-6: Patient Management |
A-3: Knowledgeable
B-3: Skillful
B-6: Skillful |
Clinical Anesthesiology, Edward Morgan, M.D., Maged Mikhail, M.D. (on loan from the department)
Essentials of Anesthesiology, David C.C.
Students are assigned on a daily basis to a team with an anesthesiology resident and attending and are expected to fully participate in the anesthetic management of the surgical cases scheduled for his/her team. Students attend department grand rounds, clinical case conferences, and simulation sessions during the rotation.
Daily attendance is expected. Students are expected to demonstrate cooperation and teamwork while part of the anesthesia care team.
Students will receive a final grade of Honors, Pass or Fail for this course. The standard UCI elective evaluation form will be used to determine the student’s final grade. The students' grade is based largely on faculty and resident evaluation of the students' performance throughout the course. In addition, grades will be based on attendance, participation in conferences and activities, and a final written exam.
You have 30 days from the date of the grade to appeal any aspect of this grade. Please contact your Clerkship/course Director should you have any questions.
Requirements for “Pass”
To receive a grade of Pass, students must demonstrate successful performance in all the following areas:
- Knowledge
- Patient Care
- Practice-Based Learning
- Interpersonal & Communication Skills
- Professionalism
- Systems-Based Practice
Requirements for “Honors”
To receive a grade of Honors, students must demonstrate exceptional performance in all the following areas:
- Knowledge
- Patient Care
- Practice-Based Learning
- Interpersonal & Communication Skills
- Professionalism
- Systems-Based Practice
Grounds for “Incomplete”
You will not be issued a grade until all elements of the course have been completed.
Remediation, if needed, will be designed by the Course Director to suit the issue at hand.
Grounds for “Fail”: You will receive a grade of "Fail" if the requirements for passing the course have not been met. Please refer to the Grading Policy for the impact of the "Fail" grade to the transcript.