Fellowship Programs Administration Fellowship Clinical Informatics Fellowship Multimedia Design Education Technology Fellowship Point-of-Care Ultrasound Fellowship Research Fellowship in Population Health Simulation Fellowship Wilderness Medicine Fellowship Multimedia Design Education Technology (MDEdTech) Fellowship (SAEM-Approved) Department of Emergency Medicine Home Research Research: Clinical Departments Emergency Medicine: Home Emergency Medicine: Education & Training Emergency Medicine: Education & Training > Fellowship Programs Emergency Medicine: Education & Training > Fellowship Programs > Multimedia Design Education Technology Fellowship Overview The Multimedia Design Education Technology (MDEdTech) Fellowship is a novel one-year fellowship designed to develop innovative educators in emergency medicine. The fellowship incorporates emerging technologies, multimedia design and social media into undergraduate and graduate medical education. The goal is to create clinical educators who are nimble and engaged digital physicians able to utilize novel technologies to better engage and educate learners in diverse learning environments. These learners not only include medical students, residents and physicians, but also medical staff, allied health professionals, nurses and, most important, patients. Future medical educators must use these technologies to engage the current learners. Regardless of the trainee’s current familiarity with educational technology, this fellowship will prepare them to start a career in residency leadership, medical student education, or hospital or medical school leadership. Fellows will attain a strong background in educational theory, multimedia design competencies, resident and medical student education, curriculum design, mobile health technologies, patient engagement theory and social media. Fellows will be required to create and contribute to the innovative technology ecosystem within the Department of Emergency Medicine and School of Medicine. For more detailed information, please view our video at http://bit.ly/about-mdedtech. Program Topics The fellowship curriculum will expose the fellow to a wide range of emerging topics and trends that will allow them to find their area of focus during the fellowship. Active Learning Outstanding lecture design, team-based learning, small group learning and simulation Visual and Information Design, Infographics Evaluation and Assessment of Online Learning Concepts Flipped classroom, MOOCs, Khan Academy, #FOAMed, gamification Emerging Technologies for Health and Education 3D printing, virtual reality, augmented reality, wearables, Google Glass, app development, telemedicine Studio and Mobile Audio/Visual Production Patient Engagement, Patient-centered Design Should the trainee pursue a career in academic medicine or medical education, this fellowship will provide them with the tools to serve as a director of instructional or educational technology for a medical school, an associate residency director, a medical student clerkship director or a director of patient education. The fellowship consists of mastering multimedia design skills, extensive content creation, teaching and mentoring responsibilities, scientific investigation and understanding the administration of technology in medicine. Roles and Responsibilities During the 12-month fellowship, the fellow has the following content creation, research, teaching and administrative responsibilities: Public Dialogue Fellows will be required to create a robust “digital footprint” and contribute original content regularly to discussions about emergency medicine, education and technology in public social media forums such as X, blog sites, YouTube and Reddit. Content Creation Fellows will be required to develop and implement three longitudinal education technology projects — one each for medical students, residents/physicians and patients. Each group has different needs assessments and will therefore require application of adult learning theory to create appropriate and engaging educational content. Research The three projects listed above must contain an assessment piece that can serve as the basis for academic presentations or publications. Fellows will be encouraged to contribute to existing research studies and will be required to present a minimum of one study at an academic conference and submit one manuscript for research publication. Teaching and Mentorship Teaching duties include participation in and contribution to medical student and resident lecture series within the Department of Emergency Medicine. Fellows help design the residency curriculum as part of the educational curriculum team. They are also required to teach and serve as mentors for students taking the Health, Education and Technology elective for the School of Medicine. Administrative The fellows will serve as members of the leadership team for the Division of Educational Technology in the School of Medicine and participate regularly in administrative and strategic planning meetings. This involvement will provide context for governance issues regarding technology in medical education. Program Leadership Warren Wiechmann, MD, MBA Co-director, Multimedia Design Education Technology (MDEdTech) Fellowship Associate Dean, Clinical Science Education and Educational Technology Megan Osborn, MD, MHPE Senior Associate Dean, Students Co-Director, Multimedia Design and Educational Technologies Fellowship