OBGYN Residency Application Procedures Curriculum Our Alumni Our Residents Visiting Learner Rotations Visiting Learner Rotations Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology Residency Program Home Education Department Programs OBGYN: Residency Program OBGYN: Residency Program > Visiting Learner Rotations Visiting Learner Rotations The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the UCI Medical Center in Orange, CA, welcomes visiting students and trainees of all levels. See below for the application process and requirements: High School Students Some faculty members offer opportunities for high school students interested in learning more about a career in medicine to shadow them in both clinic and operating room settings. Appointment duration can be anywhere from one week to one year. The following would be required to begin your rotation: Must be at least 16 years of age Parental Approval Letter, if under 18 Complete all items on the Clinical Observer Checklist To apply: Email a cover letter stating your specific interest in OB/GYN, a resume and your preferred dates of visit to obgynquestions@hs.uci.edu. Please include “High School Student Shadowing Request” in the email subject. Allow at least three months for onboarding and medical clearance. Requests will be reviewed monthly. See also: Short-Term Clinical Observer section for more information Undergraduate Students Opportunities are available for undergraduate students to assist with research projects and/or shadow faculty members in both clinic and operating room settings. Appointment duration can be anywhere from one week to one year. To apply: Email a cover letter stating your specific interest in OB/GYN, resume and your preferred dates of your visit to obgynquestions@hs.uci.edu. Please include “Undergraduate Student Shadowing Request” in the email subject. Allow at least three months for onboarding and medical clearance. Requests will be reviewed monthly. If selected, you will be contacted with the rotation requirements. See also: Short-Term Clinical Observer section for more information Short-Term Clinical Observer If you are interested in shadowing a faculty member in our department for two weeks or less and would not require any grade, follow-up documentation or proof of rotation, you would be a Short-Term Clinical Observer. Eligibility: All types of learners,- minimum age is 16 To apply: Email a cover letter stating your specific interest in OB/GYN, resume, and dates of your visit to obgynquestions@hs.uci.edu for consideration. Include “Short-Term Clinical Observer Request” in the email subject. Allow at least three months for onboarding and medical clearance. Requests will be reviewed monthly. If selected, you will be contacted with the rotation requirements. See also: High School Students & Undergraduate Students sections for more information Research Rotations Student Research Intern Program (SRIP) Duration: Up to one year Non-UC Irvine undergraduates and qualified high school students over 16 years old can apply. To apply: Email a cover letter stating your specific interest in OB/GYN, resume and your preferred dates of visit to obgynquestions@hs.uci.edu. Include “SRIP Request” in the email subject. Allow at least three months for onboarding and medical clearance. Requests will be reviewed monthly. If selected, you will be contacted with the rotation requirements. Other Research Opportunities Learners of all ages and training levels with legal U.S. working status can apply To apply: Email a cover letter stating your specific interest in OB/GYN, resume and dates of your visit to obgynquestions@hs.uci.edu for consideration. Include “Research Rotation Request” in the email subject. Allow at least three months for onboarding and medical clearance. Requests will be reviewed monthly. If selected, you will be contacted with the rotation requirements. Medical Student Away Rotations Fourth-year medical students can complete an away rotation with our department after our current medical student rotation schedules are finalized. To apply through VSLO, the following will be required: Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Standardized Immunization Form Background Check BLS/ACLS Document Confidentiality Agreement Cover Letter indicating the reason(s) for your goals for the rotation and/or interest in UC Irvine OB/GYN CV/Resume Mask Fit Results Photograph Proof of Malpractice Coverage School Evaluation Form Medical School Transcript USMLE Score Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Away rotation offers will be released starting May 14th. Please note that our department cannot accommodate individual grading scales. A final grade will be distributed upon completion, based on the current UC Irvine Grading Scale. Support and Funding: Our residency program strongly supports UCI Health's efforts to promote inclusive excellence throughout our enterprise. UC Irvine hosts a Residency Open House annually in May for medical students who come from and/or have experience serving disadvantaged patient populations, with financial support available to selected applicants. Prospective UC Irvine OB/GYN residency applicants are also eligible to apply for financial support for visiting elective rotations with our program. Support includes flight and housing support. Interested applicants should submit the following: A VSLO application for the visiting medical student elective(s) of their choice Include a statement describing how you have demonstrated investment in serving disadvantaged patient populations and how you will promote inclusive excellence in the UCI Health mission. Philip J. DiSaia, MD Visiting U.S. Resident Program in Gynecologic Oncology Created in honor of Philip J. DiSaia’s, MD, 42-year legacy of extraordinary leadership, clinical care, clinical and translational research and medical education, the PJD Visiting Resident Program is a four-week, highly educational and interactive program for OB/GYN residents-in-training who are interested in Gynecologic Oncology. PJD Visiting Residents will work with our team at UCI Douglas Hospital and affiliated outpatient clinics. Opportunities include: Assisting in both robotic-assisted and open cancer-related surgeries Caring for complex perioperative and chemotherapy patients in the surgical ward and ICU Seeing patients with the faculty, GYN Oncology fellow, and OB/GYN residents in our ambulatory practice in Pavilion 3 Presenting case histories in the weekly GYN Oncology Tumor Board Attending the GYN Oncology Academic Day, held on the last Friday of each month. During Academic Day, the PJD Visiting Resident will: Learn Surgical Case Log, Genetics, ICU, and Chemotherapy/Radiotherapy Review from the fellow Attend Gyn Oncology Journal Club Attend Fellows’ research update meetings Learn about ongoing and soon-to-activate clinical trials presented through the Cancer Center’s Women’s Disease-Oriented Team Attend the Gyn Oncology Fellows’ didactic lecture series Physicians-in-training who successfully obtain a DiSaia Visiting Resident spot will be invited to participate (at their own expense) in our university’s annual global health outreach mission, which involves cervical cancer screen-and-treat workshops in the Mwanza District of Northern Tanzania during July of each year. They will also be encouraged to register for our annual Cytoreductive Surgery for Advanced Ovarian Cancer and Surface Peritoneal Malignancies Workshop, which includes two full days of didactics and one full day of cadaveric dissection. Application Details The PJD Visiting Resident Program is competitive and includes subsidized housing and a meal stipend for up to six visiting residents each academic year. The deadline to apply is October 15 with opportunities available in July, August, September, October, November and January of each year. For consideration, please email the following to obgynquestions@hs.uci.edu: Cover Letter CV/Resume Top three-month choices for the rotation ranked by highest to lowest preference Please include “DiSaia Fellowship Request” in the email subject. Applicants will be notified of acceptance in late November/early December If selected, you will be contacted with the rotation requirements. Other U.S. Visiting Resident Elective Rotations Sub-specialty rotations (most commonly Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery and Family Planning) accept visiting residents on a case-by-case basis. Acceptance depends on the trainee’s goals for the rotation and our ability to help the resident achieve those goals without compromising the education of our UC Irvine trainees. To apply, submit the following for consideration: Cover letter stating your specific interest in OB/GYN CV/resume Preferred dates for your visit Learning objectives (to be approved in advance by UC Irvine OB/GYN Residency Program Director) Send applications to obgynquestions@hs.uci.edu with “Visiting Resident Elective Request” in the email subject line. Applications must be received at least four months prior to the requested start date. Please note that application processing cannot occur between the months of April, May and June. Surgical Experience in the Operating Room will generally be limited to first assist or observation only. If selected, you will be contacted with the rotation requirements. International Visiting Scholar Program in Gynecologic Oncology The International Visiting Scholar Program in Gynecologic Oncology at the UCI Medical Center is a competitive rotation for International Gynecologic Oncologists to participate in. Applicants must have successfully completed subspecialty training in Gynecologic Oncology in their country of origin/residence and have exhibited a strong commitment to academic medicine through peer-reviewed publications and/or grants. Active participation in translational research and/or clinical trials is looked upon favorably during the review process. All Visiting Scholars must have obtained sufficient funding from their home institution and/or other funding sources to support the following: Visa fees Medical insurance coverage International and domestic travel to and from UCI Medical Center Housing accommodations Transportation and meals A $250 USD/month administrative fee payable to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology upon arrival for the entire length of the visiting scholar program Depending on availability, applicants may apply for a three-month, six-month or 12-month rotation. To apply, potential scholars should submit: A cover letter NIH-formatted biosketch A letter of support from their home institution indicating that all necessary fees will be covered by the home institution and/or the visiting scholar CV/resume Preferred dates for your visit Send applications to obgynquestions@hs.uci.edu for consideration. Please include “International Visiting Scholar” in the email subject. Applications must be received at least four months before the requested start date. Application processing cannot occur between the months of April, May and June. Program Details International Gynecologic Oncologists accepted to the UC Irvine International Visiting Scholar Program will work with four different full-time UC Irvine Gynecologic Oncology Faculty Members in the ambulatory care center, inpatient hospital ward and chemotherapy infusion center. Surgical experience in the operating room will be limited to observation only. Additionally, Visiting Scholars will also attend the following: Weekly Multidisciplinary Treatment Planning Conference (aka Gynecologic Oncology Tumor Board) Monthly Academic Day, which is comprised of the following: GYN Oncology Resident Morbidity & Mortality Presentation GYN Oncology Fellow Case Log Review GYN Oncology Journal Club Gyn Oncology Fellow Research Updates GYN Oncology Ongoing and Proposed Clinical Trials Review Visiting Scholars will also have the opportunity to propose potential research projects to interested faculty for consideration during their rotation.