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Where Do Patients Go

The Where Do Patients Go (WDPG) project, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, is designed to understand people’s preferences between healthcare settings for treatment of minor injuries and ailments. One of the main goals is to develop a web application that compares patient preferences for traditional settings – i.e., physician offices and emergency rooms – with new and emerging options, such as urgent care centers, retail clinics, virtual physician visits and home visit services.

As part of this project, iTEQC researchers surveyed more than 20,000 UCI employees and retirees, presenting them with hypothetical scenarios and asking them to choose which type of care setting they would go to in each circumstance.

The researchers used the survey results to develop an interactive web application that estimates patient distributions across eight care settings for 12 clinical scenarios. 

Nursing home patient and nurse sit down on couch and look at an ipad screen together

"Where Do Patients Go" Web Application

The "Where Do Patients Go?" (WDPG) tool can be used by insurers, providers and policymakers to help identify potential locations for adding facilities based on predicted patient use and more.

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Home Health Agency's Quality Improvement & Costs Strategies (HHAs – QICS)

HHAs – QICS is an app designed to help Home Health Agencies (HHA) explore opportunities for quality improvement. The tool is based on the economic principle that HHAs will react to the Value Based Payment (VBP) incentive system to improve quality by comparing the investment required to achieve improvement in a Quality Measure (QM) to the revenues anticipated from such improvement, including the VBP incentives. 

HHAs – QICS allows home health agencies to evaluate different scenarios in which they examine the costs of implementing changes to invest in quality improvement to reach specific levels of different QMs, given their starting QMs. 

The data for this study, which was funded by the National Institute on Aging, included: 

  • Findings from a 2018 national survey of over 1,000 HHAs about their quality improvement strategies
  • Costs and performance data of over 5,000 HHAs

*All data and scenarios are based on national data for 2018 and should be interpreted only as suggestions regarding the relative costliness of different investment strategies. Furthermore, local market conditions and changes to the home health payment methodology and QMs may also have affected individual findings. 

Net marginal cost for a 1 unit increase as the Super Quality Measure (SQM) increases from baseline for agencies at the 50th percentiles of the total cost distribution.
*The graph shows net marginal cost for a 1 unit increase as the Super Quality Measure (SQM) increases from baseline for agencies at the 50th percentile of the total cost distribution.

Use the HHAs – QICS Tool

HHAs – QICS allows you to apply the study findings to your HHAs to estimate:

  • The effect of the different quality improvement actions you select on composite quality measures related to HH Compare QMs
  • The estimated costs of the actions you selected on your HHA's annual expenditures
  • The effect on your HHA'a QM


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For more information, read our 2020 publication and 2021 publication