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*These oral presentations are an important part of the graduate training program. Second-year students are required to give a 30-minute RIP talk, and third-year and beyond students are required to present formal one-hour seminars.

The Cellular and Molecular Biosciences (CMB) and Interdepartmental Neuroscience (INP) programs include a first-year curriculum and the opportunity to rotate through two or more research laboratories. After the first year in the CMB or INP program, students interested in experimental pathology will join the laboratories of faculty within the department or the laboratories of affiliated faculty.

After the first year, PhD students in experimental pathology must take one didactic graduate course each year. Senior graduate students (Year 4 and beyond) may waive this requirement with approval from the graduate advisor. To satisfy this requirement, students may take Path/MMG 221 (Immunopathogenic Mechanisms of Disease), other approved courses offered by other departments or any other relevant coursework with approval from the graduate advisor.


Research Conferences

When: Last Monday of the month at 11 a.m.
Where: Thorpe Conference Center, 4th floor, Gross Hall, UCI School of Medicine campus

Scientific and Clinical Advances Grand Rounds

When: Thursdays at 12 p.m.
Where: Bldg. 53, Auditorium, UCI Medical Center campus

Program Completion

Following successful completion of the experimental pathology curriculum and research leading to a dissertation thesis, students will receive a PhD in biomedical sciences with a concentration in experimental pathology. Graduate students typically advance by the end of the third year and defend by the end of the fifth year.

Graduate students are also strongly encouraged to apply for intramural and extramural funding/fellowships.

 Apply for funding

Elizabeth Head, BSc, MA, PhD
Co-director, Experimental Pathology Graduate Program
Graduate Advisor
Vice Chair for Research
Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Edwin Monuki, MD, PhD
Graduate Advisor
Department Chair
Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine


Dan Mercola, MD, PhD
Co-director, Experimental Pathology Graduate Program
Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine