2024 Native American Heritage Month Spotlight: Tieraona Low Dog, MD Posted: 2024-11-25 Source: UCI School of Medicine News Type: Features & Briefs share Tieraona Low Dog, MD, professor and founding director of the Integrative & Functional Medicine Fellowship at the Susan Samueli Integrative Health Institute. As we observe Native American Heritage Month this November, we reflect on the theme established by the National Institutes of Health's Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: "Indigenous Resilience: Overcoming Barriers." This theme honors the enduring spirit and contributions of Native American communities. The resilience of Indigenous peoples is a testament to their enduring strength, cultural richness and profound impact on society, despite facing centuries of adversity. Their stories of overcoming barriers inspire us all to strive for a more inclusive and equitable future. At UC Irvine, our commitment to health equity aligns with this theme, emphasizing the importance of cultural understanding in our mission: Discover. Teach. Heal. Throughout our campus, the health and well-being of Native and Indigenous communities are addressed across various disciplines. Recently, UCI Susan Samueli Integrative Health Institute announced the appointment of Tieraona Low Dog, MD, as professor and founding director of the Integrative & Functional Medicine Fellowship at the Susan Samueli Integrative Health Institute. With a background as a herbalist, naturalist and midwife, Dr. Low Dog brings a wealth of experience to UC Irvine, enhancing our commitment to advancing integrative health. A member of the Plains tribes, particularly the Lakota and Comanche, she exemplifies Indigenous resilience through her extensive work in medicine and education. Prior to her role at UC Irvine, Dr. Low Dog served as the fellowship director for the University of Arizona's Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine and co-founded the New York Zen Center’s Fellowship in Contemplative Medicine. Her leadership in these programs demonstrates her dedication to holistic approaches to healthcare and mentoring the next generation of health practitioners. At the UCI School of Medicine, we are dedicated to inclusive excellence in medicine through initiatives that support Native American – identifying learners, faculty and staff who are integral to our efforts in addressing health disparities and ensuring culturally aligned care for all including Indigenous communities. Back to the main feature Media Contacts Matt Miller Director, Communications and Public Relations mrmille2@uci.edu Michelle Strombeck Manager, Communications and Public Relations 312-498-8208 mstrombe@hs.uci.edu Related Faculty/Staff Tieraona Low Dog, MD Professor — Division of General Internal Medicine & Primary Care, Medicine